Final Breath

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I laid on the ground, staring up at the hot sun out in the middle of no where in a desert.

I was starting to lose all of my feeling but I could still feel the heat of the sun and the cold trickle of blood pouring from my wound.

I had a deep, gaping cut that went to the bone and poured blood like a river, I had lost a fight against a stronger Meister.

I knew there was no chance of survival in the middle of a barren desert especially when I was bleeding out.

I just laid still, unable to move as my body was starting to grow numb, I could only lay and wait for death to come.

I soon lost all feeling and was completely numb, I sighed as I prepared to take my last breath and looked up at the sky one last time.

I saw a dark shadowy figure appear and picked me up, but I blacked out before I could see who or what they were.

All I remember is darkness, I couldn't feel or see anything or even hear anything other then my thoughts, I said to myself  "is this it? Am I really dead? Where am I??"

I stayed surrounded by this black void of nothingness for what seemed like forever, then I started hearing faint voices but couldn't make out what they where saying then I saw a faint light in the distance.

The voices grew louder and louder as the light grew brighter and brighter, I opened my eyes and looked around.

It looked like I was in a bright hospital room and suddenly all my pain and feeling rushed back and I felt a sharp, painful burning where my wound was.

I looked to see my wound had been stitched up, and I felt a weird painful cold sensation in my arm and looked to see an IV in my arm.

I looked at the cord, trailing it with my eyes and saw a bag of iv fluid hung above my head, I could still hear voices in the room and turned to see two people standing there.

One looked like a young kid dressed in black with black hair that had 3 white stripes in it, the other was a guy with greyish hair, glasses and a stitches up his face, he wore a white lab coat which was stitched up too.

I tried to get out of bed but suddenly a sharp pain coursed through my chest, I groaned in pain and fell back into the pillow.

The guy with the stitches on his face came over and said "you need to stay down so you don't rip your stitches" I looked at him and said "where am I??".

He replied saying "your at the DWMA, Kid Death found you in the desert bleeding to death while he was on a mission.... I'm professor Stein by the way".

I smiled softly to myself, I had grown up hearing stories of the DWMA and had always wanted to go there and now that I'm finally here made me feel a little better.

Stein walked out of the room after checking my stitches and fixing the bag of fluid, Kid finally walked over and sat down beside me.

He looked at me and said "I'm glad your ok, when I found you dying in a pool of your own blood I thought I was too late you where in a coma for 2 weeks...." He sighed softly before saying "I'm Death The Kid by the way but you can call me kid".

I looked at him and said "thank you for saving me kid, I'm Charlotte".

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