"Mr.byun im glad to say your 2weeks pregnant." Doctor said.

"Me? Pregnant? No this is not true" i said.

"Yes Mr.byun its true. Im not joking" doctor said.

"Okay thankyou doc you may go now." I said.

I feel so nervous chanyeol is the only one i have sex before. I said to my self. Im goin crazy.!

"Baek! Who's the father of that child? Who did you have sex with? Is it jong suk?" Sehun said.

"No no he's not" i cried as i talk to sehun..

"Then who? Tell me?" Sehun said.

"It was Mr.Park!" I said.

"My couzin?" Sehun is so shocked.

"Yes it was Mr.Park. i only have sex with him the day of the party were both drunk and we had sex" i said while crying.

"Chanyeol needs to know about this" sehun said.

"No sehun promise me you wont tell this to anyone even my bestfriend also to mr.park i dont want to broke his career." I said.

"Are you fucking jokin with me baek? That baby inside you is chanyeol's baby also you both made them! He have to know about this." Sehun said. And dial chanyeol's number.

(Sehun's pov)

"Hello Hyung! Did you and baekhyun have sex?" I said.

"Yes" he said.

"Well then congrats baekhyun is pregnant and he's cryin right now and dont know what to do. He also wants me to hide this secret for your career. Well im not goin to do that because your the father of that baby you both made it. I said.

"Where are you guys" he said.

"Were here at seoul medical hospital." I said.

"Okay i'll be there" he said. And ended the call.

"Baek you know you dont have to be like this dont hide those things like this. It may affect you for hiding this. Im really sorry but i cant" i said.

"Sehun!!!" Baek said while crying harder.

"Baek dont cry like that it may affect the baby stop crying please also luhan and kyungsoo is coming now they already know about your situation." I said.

"Sehun what do you think will chanyeol feel. He dont want this child. If he's dont wants this child i will raise this baby by myself." Baek said.

"No we will raise that baby im willing to accept the child dont abort it" a man with deep voice.

"Hyung!" I said.

"We will raise that kid baek" chanyeol said.

"What will your parents think about me? i dont like a hard situation" baek said.

"I dont have parents baek they already died thats why im willing to raise that kid because i want a family. Im getting old" chanyeol said.

(No one's pov)

Chanyeol walk towards baekhyun and hug him. "Please baek stay with me and this baby we will raise him" chanyeol said. "But you dont even love me all of what happend is accident" baekhyun said. "Baek im not drunk that time. Im fully sober. I did it to you bacause i want to. Ever since you became my secretary i feel like your the one." Chanyeol said. "Okay i will stay by your side." Baek said. "Thankyou baek thankyou so much" "the moment when sehun said to me that im the father of that child it makes me happy." Chanyeol said.

Mr.Park  (Chanbaek) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang