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(Baekhyun's pov)

I woke up at 7am in the morning our flight to jeju is 4pm in the afternoon. I came to chanhyun's bedroom and saw him playing with his cars.

"Baby why did you not wake mommy up if you wake up already so that i can cook you your breakfast" i said.

"Mommy i dont want you and daddy to disturb your sleep. You really look tired thats why i didnt woke you up." Chanhyun said.

"Aigoo my baby is now big" i said while hugging chanhyun.

"Mommy even if i grow up im still your baby" chanhyun said. I smiled to him and kissed his forehead

"Who's excited for tonight?" I said.

"Meee! Mommy im so excited to go to jeju with uncle sehun's son" chanhyun said.

"Okay okay so before that you have to take a bath and brush your teeth okay mommy will cook a breakfast for you" i said.

"Okay mommy i love youu" chanhyun said.

I walk downstairs and cook some bacon and eggs since its chanhyun's favourite. While i was cooking an arms snake around my waist. "Goodmorning babe" he said. "Your awake goodmorning to you handsome" i said.

"Mommy im finished! But i still dont have clothes" chanhyun screams

"Okay daddy will go upstairs to pick some suits for you okay?" I said.

(Chanyeol's Pov)

I quickly goes upstaurs to dress chanhyun.

"Baby do you want me and mommy to get married?" I asked.

"Ofcourse daddy!" He said with a smile.

"So i have a surprise for mommy on december 2" i said while chuckling.

"Really daddy!?" He asked.

"Yes baby but promise daddy to keep this secret. Dont ever tell about this to your mom okay?" I said and he nodded he also did a pinky promise to me..

We go down stairs and saw baekhyun waiting for us.

"So what do you guys did and it took you guys so long" baek said

"Well mommy daddy tells me about how much he loves you so thats why it took us so long" chanhyun said and chuckeled.

"Alright alright come here both of you and eat so that we can get ready for our vacation" i said.

"Okay mommy!" Chanhyun said.

We started eating and after we eat i washed the dishes while chanyeol is packing my thing and his things. I told him that i will be the one who will pack chanhyun's belongings so he can focus on our things. Before i go upstairs my phone rang amd saw it was luhan

"Hey Baek its been a long time i miss you so much!" Luhan said.

"Oh yeah were really busy to our sons so we dont have enough time to bond" i said.

"See you later baek! I know your husband didnt tell you that kyungsoo and his boyfriend also us will coming to this vacation on jeju!" Luhan said.

"Omyghodd really!? So we can bond the three of us i really missed you guys" i said.

"Me too baekiee so see you at the airport." Luhan said.

"Okay bye see you later" i said and hung up the phone.

I quickly goes to chanhyun's room to pack his things and i opened the door on his room and didnt saw chanhyun i walk to our bedroom and saw chanhyun there playing with his daddy.

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