Chapter 9 - baekhyun's labor 💖

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(Chanyeol's Pov)

"What was that for?" I said.

"None? Why? Am i wrong?" Baek said.

"Baek stop flirting when im with you?!"i said.

"And why not? Am i not allowed to Say that to them?" Baek said.

I understand baek's situation because i know if your pregnant you have a mood swings sometimes. And its okay for me.

"Baekhyun lets stop this fight" i said.

He just walk out of ou room i followed him i know that he just want some cuddle.

I walk towards him and back hugged him. "Im sorry baekiee im just a little bit shock of what you said earlier" i said. "Its okay i understand im sorry too" baek said. "Now were okay now"chanyeol said and baekhyun nodded. "Chanyeol im goin to sleep" baek said. "But its only 7pm?!" Chanyeol said. "I dont know but im really sleepy."baek said. "Okay then sleep now" chanyeol said. Baekhyun lay him self on the bed and then he fell asleep.

Time skip Monday~~

"Chanyeol wake up!" Baek said.

"Wait 5 mins" chan said.

"You'll be late at work" baek said.

"Baek come with me to the office so that i can focus on you and my works its only week until your labor" chan said.

"Okay okay i will just wash up now and eat breakfast downstairs" baek said.

Chanyeol holds baekhyun hands and let him sit down on bed..

"Baek i have a confession!" Chanyeol said.

"What it is?" Baek said.

"Baek i think i like you now. No i mean i love you now. I just realize last night that i already fell for you your eyes,smile everything everything i love for you. I told you many times that i will try to love you but when i said that i really dont know what came to me to say that words i just really dont know why but now im really sure that i already love you Byun Baek Hyun Will you be my boyfriend? Soon to be husband?" Chanyeol said.

"Enough with the drama chanyeol i know you love me. Im just waiting for you to confirm it. I already know it. You dont have to say it because On the day you find out that i am pregnant you always show your love for me and peanut" baek said.

Chanyeol holds baekhyun cheeks and start to kiss him the kiss was soft and passionate. 3mins later baekhyun was the first one to pull off "i love you baekhyun" chanyeol said "finally! I love you too yoda" baek said.

"Chanyeol i think Something is wet down here." Baek said.

Chanyeol look at baekhyun's pants and its really wet "Omy fuckin shit baek ill take you to the hospital" chanyeol said. "Chanyeol it hurts." Baek said. "Oh my fucki--" "enough with that language chanyeol take me to the hospital now our baby is comibg out" baek said. We walk towards my car with the help of our body guards. I quickly drove to the hospital. And when we arrived there. They quickly get baekhyun to the labor room.

After 4hours the doctor came out.

"The baby and baekhyun is now okay you can see baekhyun at ward 614." Thedoctor said.

"Thankyou so much" chanyeol said.

Chanyeol called luhan and kyungsoo about what happend to baekhyun but they cant go rightnow because of work they promise to come tomorrow. Chanyeol also take a 2 weeks leave to take care of baekhyun. Sehun understand my situation so he takes in charge of the company for the mean time. I walk towards the room that baekhyun stayed and entered the room i saw him lying on the bed sleeping peacefully. I sat down beside him and a minutes later baekhyun woke up. "Where's our baby" baek said. "He's in the nursery room baek. By the way what do you want to name our baby?" Chan said. "Byun Chanhyun" baek said. "Why is it not my Last name it must be park not byun i will name it as a park." Chan said. "But were not married"baek said. "Soon baek soon!" Chan said. And the nurse came in with our baby. "Sir may i know what name are you goin to call your baby?" Nurse said "Its Park Chan Hyun" chan said. "Okay sir so here's your baby. Oh sir you need to breast feed him." Nurse said. "But i dont have a breast.!?" Baek said. And chanyeol slightly laugh. "Yes you have a breast sir baekhyun Your breast have a milk even if you dont have any breast as long as you have your nipples." Nirse said. "Okay thankyou nurse you may go now" baek said. Chanhyun is really cute he got chanyeol's big ears and He got my eyes. But he looks like baekhyun. He's like an angel. "Baek i think you need to feed him" chanyeol said. "Okay turn around dont look at us" baek said. "I already see that breast you dont have to cover it.!" Chanyeol said. "Fine fine dont shout baby chanhyun will cry" baek said. I slowly lift my Hospital shirt and start to feed Chanhyun. After i feed baby chanhyun He fell asleep. "Baek do you want to sleep? I'll call the nurse if you want" chanyeol said. "I will sleep but i will sleep next to chanhyun" baek said. "Okay then sleep" chanyeol said and kissed baekhyun and chanhyun's forehead.. They slept for 1 hour. When the nurse came in "sir Mr.Park can go home tomorrow so He can take a rest on your house we just settle the bills and Medicines that baby chanhyun and sir baekhyun need to drink." The nurse said. " okay then " chanyeol said. The nurse leave the room.

Oh yess he's mine hahahaha omg 😂

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Oh yess he's mine hahahaha omg 😂

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