"Everyone is Falling Apart."

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"I think I'm going to explode," Wilbur groaned. He fell backwards onto Hiro's bed. The sudden motion sent up an explosion of blankets and pillows.

"Told you that you shouldn't have eaten all those donuts," Penny teased. She glanced at Violet as if hoping for a grin but Violet hovered near the wall with an uncertain expression. Penny turned and glared at Hiro as if that was his fault, which he didn't think was entirely fair.

"Dude, keep off my stuff," he told Wilbur. The only response was a moan from the mound of bedding.

"We talked for almost two hours and we still don't have a plan," Penny said.

"We have pieces of one," Hiro responded.

"All we know is we want to sort of heal time. We don't know how to do that or anything."

"It would help if you actually told me what went wrong," Hiro protested.

"No," Penny and Wilbur announced at the same time.

"Well, what do you think, Violet?" Hiro asked. Violet mumbled something unintelligible. Hiro threw his hands in the air. "You're all hopeless! You came here and expect me to have all the ideas and somehow fix everything, but you won't even tell me what went wrong!"

Hiro turned at the sound of a closing door. Violet was gone.

"Nice, Hiro," Penny growled. "Real smooth."

"What did I even do?" he demanded to her retreating form as she moved to follow Violet. The door slammed shut, effectively ending all conversation. Hiro huffed and threw himself into his swiveling office chair. Girls. They were impossible.

"We've got to do something," Wilbur said. He sat up, watching the door intently. "Everyone is falling apart."

"Got any bright ideas, genius?" Hiro mumbled.

"Hey, you're the genius here. But yeah, I've got an idea or two.  I think we need to start with restoring your memories."


Wilbur glanced at Hiro, then away again.  "We've got to repair the past."

"And you know how?"

Just the slightest moment of hesitation.  "Yes."

"Then let's do it!"

"Well, it's not that easy.  You might not like it."

"Will it fix Violet?"

Wilbur chuckled darkly.  "Some things."

"Then it'll be worth it."  Hiro took a deep breath.  "I want to be the hero you guys think I am."

"Dude, you already are," Wilbur promised.  He stood up and stretched.  "We'll start by going back.  We have to fix things so they're the way they're meant to be."  Again, Wilbur glanced at Hiro and quickly away again.  "They'll be back the way they're supposed to be."

"I get that.  How far back are we going?"

Wilbur took a long, steadying breath. "You're not going to like this, Hiro."

"What is it?"

"And Penny's going to kill me for telling you."

"Wilbur, what are you talking about?"

"But you'd just hate us if we didn't say anything at all."

"Wilbur, spit it out already!"

Wilbur turned his eyes on Hiro. "We need to go back to the day of that Science Presentation. The one where you unveiled your microbots."

Hiro stared back, uncomprehending. What had happened that day which changed the course of time so drastically? Did he miss the presentation? Did he present the wrong thing? Did he fail to get into the University where Tadashi attended?

Tadashi . . .

" . . . you're supposed to have already lived our adventures and recognize us and Tadashi should be dead but obviously none of that happened . . ."

"No . . ." Hiro whispered.  Wilbur looked away.

"I know it's hard-"

"No.  I can't.  Not . . . I . . . Tadashi!"

Hiro leapt from his chair and threw open the bedroom door.  He didn't know where he was running.  He didn't care.  One question was stuck in his mind, echoing with every pounding footstep on the pavement.

How can I save the world if it means killing Tadashi?

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