Out In The Streets

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Damian's POV

These people have  absolutely no right to just yell at me like that. I'm going out. I gotta burn some anger. Father probably isn't going to like this but. No! I don't care if he approves. I never asked to come here or for his damn approval. I am Damian Al Ghul. I shall not heed to such a worthless feen or anyone else who gets in my way. Oh. I I found my first victims.

Dick's POV

"Well, that worked out well" I smile through the pain of the punch Damian just served me. Damn that kid is strong. And stubborn. He just jumped out the window. Bruce looks as pissed as Damian did. Maybe more. Jason's smiling and leaning against the wall with his helmet in his hands, Steph looks mad, Tim looks confused as always, and Alfred has left to get a first aid kit. Meanwhile I'm just sitting on the kids bed looking around and bleeding on his bed sheets. Oh and Cass just came in.

Cassandra POV

I walk in and I see Dick's face is bloody, Tim's confused and then Steph and Bruce look pissed af. "What the hell happened here!" Then I realized one person was gone "And where's Damian" Steph looks at me with anger on her face. But not towards me. "That little bastard no DEMON SPAWN punched Dick in the face and had half a mind to sass back me and Bruce" "Wait..." I look at Dick's bloody face and Steph and Bruce's pissed off face and it connected. Besides one thing. "Well where's Damian" Jason pointed to the window with a little smirk. "The kid jumped right out. He's probably half across into Gotham by now" "Suit up. We're going to get him. But not you Dick. Alfred going to treat that wound. But the rest of us are going to go get Damian. He's an angry assassin going round Gotham with no mercy. We need to stop him" Bruce told us. We nod  and leave out leaving Dick and Alfred.

Stephanie's POV

That little Demon! He's probably left a trail of blood already. I don't expect more from him. That little bastard is so disrespectful. I'm already sick of it and he just got here. Ugh. I get ready to go out along with everyone besides Dick. Damian punched him in the face.  Ugh. I hate him. "Lets go everyone" says the Big Bad Bat and we all follow. I wonder what he's doing right now.

Damian's POV

I just spotted my first victims. Three thugs ganging up to get a woman's purse. I'll deal with them. They'll never harm someone again. I lurk in the shadows nearby and I hear the lady "Please. Stop. I need my purse.I need it!" "Shut it lady. We don't need Batman onto us." I get out of the shadows and reveal myself. "Well it's a damn good thing I'm not Batman." The thugs look confused. "Who is this kid." "I don't know but we should tell his mommy to wash his mouth out with soap" Their laughter made me so mad. I might've gone too far. "Shut up you bastard and leave this lady alone!" I say before I roundhouse kick the thug holding the lady. "Go! Get the hell out of here" The lady runs off with her purse and continue to fight off the thugs until they're begging for mercy. "Please, kid, have mercy" "That's not in my vocabulary." Then I swung to kill the thug that wasn't already unconscious but I felt some resistance on my sword. Like someone was behind me holding it.  "That's enough you little Demon Spawn." I cringe at the voice of none other than Stephanie Brown herself. Damn.

Well I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading. Next update will be soon.

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