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Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Annabeth's POV

"I'm home!" Mother sings, from the base of the tower. I run to the window, my bare feet slapping the floor. "Let down your hair!"

My long locks fall, swaying in the wind, off the side of the tower. Mother starts to climb it. This is the moment I ask her. But can I? I always get shut down. No, I need to ask her, I want to see those floating lights. Reaching the top of the tower, Mother immediately starts unloading groceries on the table.

"Mother?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers.

She turns, "Yes dear?"

You can do this."Well, I was wondering...ifIcangooutside."

She leans in, her eyebrows furrowing. "Pardon?"

I take a deep breath, "If I could go outside."

The words hang between us, silence lifting them up. Mother's face consorts into anger, "You want to leave me? After everything, I've done for you? After everything I've told you?"

I flinch a little. Then going to my huge painting on the wall, I show her the lights in the sky that I've painted. "Well you see, I've mapped out the stars, but these ones don't go in that pattern." Mother opens her mouth, but I continue, "And these only appear on my birthday! That's in three days, I just want to see them. In person."

Mother scoffs and rolls her eyes. "It's just some silly celebration," I swear that I saw some hint of panic in her eyes.

I walk forward, "You can't just keep me here!"

She whirls around at me, "Yes. I can. I'm your mother! The outside world is filled with sadness, hatred and scary things. I keep you protected from it all. Any sunshine is snuffed out."

Her outburst shakes me, and I start to back out. "I'm sorry."

Mother's face softens, "It's okay dear. To make it up to me, why don't you sing for me?"

I nod, pulling up a stool for her to sit on. Grabbing a brush, I put it in her hand, and as she starts to brush my hair, I sing the soft melody that I learned so long ago.

Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fate's design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

Finishing, I sigh. Maybe in two years, she'll let me. I keep my eyes on the crackling fire, sparks coming up and heat radiating out.

Four days. Mother will be gone for four days. She's already left. Why? I asked her if I could have some more paint for my murals for my birthday. Pascal for the past hour has been watching me pace back and forth. I could leave. She wouldn't see me. But really, should I?

Pascal points to the window. Now or never.

"You right, let's go," I say. "But, what if I get lost? Or get attacked? Or meet a boy with sharp teeth? I mean lots of things can happen."

"Blssss." Stop overthinking.

"But- "

"Blssss." Your stalling.

I roll my eyes and begin to gather things for the journey when a loud thud sounds behind me. Spinning around, I see a boy with jet black hair jump up and into the window. He looks up right when I punch him, knocking him out. He looked exactly like the boy from my dreams.

"Oh my gosh. Mother is going to kill me," I panic, watching the limp boy on the ground.

Pascal watches with humor. If you won't go out, the world will come in.

"That doesn't make any sense," I snap at him

"Blsss." Yes, it does.

"No, it doesn't! Your distracting me!"

Pascal rolls his eyes. Sassy today.

"Ugh," A voice comes out of no-where.

The boy looks up, his sea-green eyes falling on me. They widen, and he pushes himself up. When we stand to stare at each other, I notice that he's taller. Fear builds in my insides, but at the same time, when I look into his eyes I feel safe. He clears his throat and that's when I come to my senses. Backing away from him, I pick up my broom and point the end at him.

"Whoa, whoa, I don't mean any harm," He thrusts his hands up in surrender.

I quirk an eyebrow. "You won't hurt me? Why are you here then?"

His face morphs into confusion, "Hurt you? No, I just need a place to stay. That's all."

Lowering the broom, I glance at his satchel. Is a hidden knife in there? I slide my legs underneath him, knocking him to the ground and grab hold of the bag. Opening it, I see a crown. Or at least I think it's one. What in the world.

"Hey! That's not yours," He says, trying to snatch it but I'm too fast.

"Why do you have a crown?"

He sighs, rubbing his neck. "It was a mistake."

I narrow my eyes, "I'm not buying it." That's when an idea forms. Grabbing the broom again, I knock him out.

Grabbing a chair, I heave him onto it and tie him to it with rope. Then I hide the satchel in my bookcase, a safe is behind it, not a living soul knows about it. When he wakes up, I walk over to him. He looks at me in annoyance, pulling at the binds. "Really?"

I start to my proposition right away, "I have a deal to make," I motion for his name.

"Percy Jackson," He introduces.

"Percy Jackson, you came here, looking for shelter. Correct?"

He nods, looking tired already. I glance outside at the afternoon sun, we're running out of time. "Then I see you have a crown. What is the real reason you are here?"

Percy sighs, "I accidentally stole it."

I laugh, "How do you accidentally steal something?" I press the broom's end to his chest threateningly.

"You just do," Percy huffs.

Pascal looks at me. I don't buy it. 

Rolling my eyes, I move on. "I'm guessing you know the kingdom well?"


"I will give you back your bag, if and only if you take me to see the lights," I propose.

"The lights that they cast out for the lost princess?" Percy raises his eyebrows.

Lost princess? Shaking myself out of it, I nod. "Yes, you will take me there, and only then will you get your valuable satchel." I pause, "Deal?"

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, HoO or Rapunzel. I do not own these characters.

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