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It had been a week since James had been attending his new school, he had gotten to know Thomas well and even met a few people around school.

Now James was currently in spell class with Thomas.

"Now turn to page 31 and Review last nights spell you should've been practicing on, then I'll call you one by one to present to me that you'll perform it correctly." Said the teacher as she stood up from her seat.

James was busy reviewing the page number before Thomas came into the class, gave the teacher a note, and sat down next to him.

"Thomas where have you been?" James whispered over to him.

"My coach decided it would be nice to give me an extra 20 push ups because I was the last one to finish my laps" he whispered back.

"What are we doing?" Thomas asked.

"Um Reviewing page 31, it was the spell we worked on yesterday, we have to present it today"

"I forgot my books at the dorm.."

"Its okay, we'll just share" James put his book in the middle, they both leaned in to read at the same time, bumping their heads together.

"Oh sorry" James said first.

"No it's my fault I leaned in"

"Well so did I.."

They sat there for a bit in silence until Thomas was called to the front.

"Please perform your spell Thomas."

Thomas nodded. He brought out his pencil and set it down

He chanted to himself and turned the pencil into an apple.

"Great work Thomas you may take your seat."

Everyone eventually got their turn until James was left.

James went up and set down a pen, he lightly chanted to himself, closing his eyes.

He opened them and looked at everyone, he looked to the pencil and smiled seeing it had turned into an apple.

"Thank goodness.." he sighed.

"You may take your seat James, good job"

The rest of the lesson carried off to another lesson until they left.

"Well that was something. What are the odds jem we have a project together!"

"Yeah but we have to decide what spell we have to make up, we have to choose out of all the 10, how about the animal spell that sounds fun! I wanna be turned into a rabbit! And you'll be a mouse"

"Uh no. What makes me a mouse? Besides I kinda wanted to do the..um...love spell"

"Why? What's the fun in that?"

"Its just we can do so many things with it! We can literally be the cupids of the school!"

"You can already manipulate peoples feelings without a spell, so...I don't see the point."

"Well my effects are temporary, a love spell is long term. They make people fall inlove! Since I'm the master of manipulation of emotion! It'd be perfect for us!"

"..hmm...fine just don't use it on me"

"Alright! You have a deal" Thomas smiled

"Deal" James nodded, before extending his hand out to shake.

Little did James know, Thomas had his fingers crossed behind his back as they shook hands.

"So, one problem I'm better at potion making then making spells so..what are we gonna do?" James asked.

"Well we need to have two people to test it on"

"Who do you suggest?"

"Hm many people actually, we could do Herc and laf though they might already be dating..um let's see, choose a person in this hallway"

James nodded and looked around.
"Alright um..how about him?"
James pointed at a small boy with orange hair, having freckles sprinkled on his face and rounded glasses that threatened to fall off his face. The boy wore a black capelet and a white undershirt along with black shoes and pants to finish it off.

"Oh well who would go good with Samuel.."

"Why not choose someone he wouldnt be compatible with to prove it works?"

"Nah, I'm not gonna force him to like someone he doesn't know or hates, it's like forcing me to be with Alexander."

"Who's Alexander?"

"Someone not important, anyway let's pair samuel with...um"

Samuel suddenly had bumped into a taller man dressed rather elegantly, more fancier then other students wearing colors like a light gold and ruby red.

"Him what about him?" James asked watching as Samuel flushed in embarrassment looking up at the man.

"George? I guess they could work..Samuel is a push over and George is one of this schools most arrogant people in here..if he were with someone low quality, gentle and as shy as Sam he'd probably learn to appreciate things more and focus on something other than himself"

"..jeez you're really serious about this.."

"Oh I have to, with powers like mine you get to know a thing or two about people and their emotions and what they'll do when they feel them"

"Wow...well okay then so Samuel and George then?"

"Yep we're going with them"

"Well we'll worry about this later we have to go to history"

"Whatever you say Jamesy poo~"

"Pfftt, stop!" James chuckled before walking into class with Thomas

Thomas smiled as James and him had been warming up to each other, and Thomas just loved it.

They walked into class and sat down in their seat which may come to no surprise, they were together.

XD welp this is happening now, idk I saw the opportunity to have a love potion or love spell so I did it

And now

Welp guess we'll see then-

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