Ch 5- Going home

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"W-who is it...?" Sodapop asked, rubbing his head, "The other person, I mean..."
We had been quiet for a long time, settling down in each other's presence. We were sat on the bench again, at least 4 hours since we left the house. I'd zoned way out and his speaking just barely snapped me out of it.
"You haven't loved Evie, who has it been than? Do I know 'er?" He giggled quietly.
I couldn't help but smile. I knew I could trust Sodapop to be understanding of my feelings toward Evie, even if it took an hour or two. And that he was asking, with an oblivious little giggle, about himself. But the truth is I don't know if I can even say that with a straight face. Thinking it makes me wince. He has a girl, and I have a girl, guys don't generally date other guys around here unless they wanna get made fun of and jumped twice as much. Even if that wasn't the case, Soda is in love with Sandy like crazy, and even if he weren't straight I don't think I'd be his type. I know better than to fall in love with Sodapop for reason after reason, but I did anyway.
"Yeah, you know 'em.." I muttered, "Good body 'n' a pretty face, the whole package," we laughed.
"C'mon, who is it?" he leaned in closer to me, like a schoolgirl anxious for gossip.
Again I laughed, "I'm not tellin' you nothin'! You can't even keep your own secrets, I don't trust you with mine."
"What, you scared your little crush'll find out?" he giggled.
I didn't even have to think before I nodded. I know he's just joking, but I am scared of him finding out. It could mean the end of our friendship. That scares the hell out of me.
We walked him home at 10 pm, and Sodapop insisted he drive me back to my house. "It's dangerous this time a' night" he said, and the boys laughed at me, hollering that he sounded like my wife or something. Two-bit had a field day with it, Ponyboy laughing along until he cried. I tried to argue, to defend my pride, but it just made me look worse. I snapped at them, Soda just laughed and waved at them as he dragged me out to his car. I'd swiped a half-empty bottle of beer, with the label torn off, on our way out. I definitely needed something to take the edge off.

Soda pov
I watched Steve spit out the sip he took for a beer that'd been sitting on the table for almost a week. Dally never cleans up after himself, and Pony refuses to clean up after him. I drove him home as he held the bottle, trying to sip from it a few more times, and stared uncomfortably out the window. He's my best friend and all, but it's really hard to trust that he has any idea about what he wants. I fear he still loves Evie and is just lying to himself. I've seen how happy he is when the three of us are together! He's always been carelessly self-destructive, so I wouldn't be surprised if his coping mechanisms are this terrible. It's bringing me down, to be honest. I really care about Steve, I don't like seeing him this uncomfortable and unhappy. Streetlights shining outside made his face glow and eyes shimmer, and for a second I forgot I was driving as I looked at him.

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