Chapter 5

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 ^Xavier's wolf

(Isabelle's pov)

I came to consciousness slowly.

There was something soft beneath me and bright, white lights behind my eyelids, making me hiss through my sore throat. Slowly opening my eyes, I became aware of another presence in the rom, and something large and rough holding onto my hand as though its life depended on it.

Slightly terrified, I glanced down and then up again, wishing I hadn't. Sitting on a small chair, that looked like it was going to break under his weight, was the huge male that I'd seen in the woods before I had gone unconscious. I scooted back across the bed, desperately trying to pull my hand from his. I didn't want to be beaten again and this male looked like he could kill me with a single punch.

Suddenly he sat upright and, alertly, looked around the room, before his eyes landed on me. They softened slightly, but were also full of pain, like ... he didn't want me to be hurting. But that was impossible, males always hurt you in the end I'd learnt that the hard way.

He started to reach over to me, and I whimpered, terrified of what he would do, and tried to push myself further into the wall, tried to look small and invisible.

It didn't work.

'Sshhh, its ok I won't hurt you,' he said, trying to look small and harmless by backing away from the bed slightly with his hands up. 'The doctor will be in in a sec to check on you, is that ok?'. When he got no reply he started to gently ease towards me, hands outstretched in a placating gesture, like he was trying ot calm a frightened animal. He almost looked like he wanted to rush forward and gather me in his arms but was holding back so he didn't frighten me. I whimpered and cringed back as he grew nearer. He was whispering words of comfort, like he was talking to a baby, but it didn't make him look any less intimidating or scary. I didn't understand, they'd never waited this long before beating me, maybe this man was different. I stopped myself. All men here born to do one thing and that was to make my life miserable as it possibly could be.

'P-pleas-s-s-e st-t-ay bac-c-k' I gasped out, watching with widened eyes as his hands, which connected to his arms, which connected to him, came closer.

I don't know why he was acting so gentle towards me, I was nothing, the runt of the pack, an inconvenience, taking up to much room. I was their punching bag.

I saw black dots start to obscure my vision, and tried scooting further away from him, scared stiff of what he would do to me while I was vulnerable, despite the fact he hadn't touched me like that yet. But, maybe this was a test.

His hand reached out and gently tried to tilt my chin up, 'Come on sweetie, look at me with those beautiful eyes', the scary man encouragingly murmured. Never look anyone in the eye.

As I started to sink deeper in to a black hole of oblivion, I whispered out,

'Please don't hurt me'

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