
28 2 2

Jimin sat in a circle with all his friends at his BEST friend's Taehyung's house. He looked around at everyone.

"Who's turn is it?"

They all looked at Taehyung.

"Its mine?" He asks. The guys nod. "Oh, well. Jimin," Tae looks at Jimin. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare. You should know that."

Tae shrugs. "Well. Jimin. I. Dare you. love that Agust D guy so much right?"


"Hah! Thats an obvious lie. Well. How about..." Tae laughs. "I dare you...I dare you to move to Korea!"


"I dare you! I fucking dare you! Move to Korea and try and get with that guy!"

"Fine! When i get the money I will do it! I will! I promise you!"

"Wait..wait! I was kidding!"

"Nope! Its gonna happen Taehyung!"

"Fine! If you go through with it, you better text me everyday!"

"Ill attempt. If i dont, its cuz i got with Yoongi." Jimin says with a wink and then looks at the time. "Oh, its getting late." He sighs. "I need to get back home. Ive gotta finish this college year before leaving. Having no sleep wont help." Jimin says as he stands. The guys wave him goodbye and Jimin leaves to walk home.


Chim Tae, how far is Korea from Thailand. I didnt think about that.

Tea Uhhh, i dunno, search it up.

Chim i dunno what id search! i dont think its to far though right?

Tea I have no clue. Ask Jungkook. Hes learning that stuff.

Chim ughhh, i cant! He's mad at me.

Tea Fiiine. Ill try asking Bhuwakul.

Chim Bhuwakul?

Tea yea, my new friend from work. We call him Bam Bam though. He likes it.

Chim oh, interesting.

Taehyung hey, Bam Bam, youve been to Korea before right?
                                                      Sent 2:53 pm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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