Disney's Hercules Part 15

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The muses once again appeared.

Nyo America: we're back!

"From that day forward, our boy Hercales could do no wrong. He was so hot, steam looked cool." Alice explained with a smile before she started to sing. "Oh yeah! Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll."
"Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll." Amelia sung as well.
"What a pro!" Anya sang.
"Herc could stop a show. Point him at a monster and you're talkin' S.R.O." Alice sung as Hercales fought monster below them. All of them sent by Gilbert.
"He was a no-one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero!
Here was a kid with his act down-pat
Zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero." All five muses sung together.
"Just like that." Alice sang as she smiled and snapped her fingers.
"When he smiled the girls wild. With oohs and aahs." All five muses sung.
"And they slapped his face on every vase." Amelia sang as she held up a vase with Hercales' face on it.
"On every 'vahse'!" Chun Yun sang beside her.

Nyo China: finally! I get to say something by myself.

"From appearance fees and royalties
        Our Herc had cash to burn
        Now nouveau riche and famous
        He could tell you what's a Grecian urn
        Say amen
        There he goes again
        Sweet and undefeated." All five muses sang together.
"And an awesome ten for ten." Francine sang.
"Folks lined up just to watch him flex." They sang together as Hercales flexed in the background.

Greece: *flexes and rips his shirt.*

Me: wow...

Japan: I know...

Nyo Turkey: *rolls eyes* seen better!

"And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs." Amelia sang with a big smile.
"Hercie, he comes, he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were goin' bonkers!
He showed the moxie, brains and spunk -- yeah!

Greece: hercie?

Nyo England: *face palm*

Zero to hero." All the muses sang together.
"A major hunk." Amelia added.
"Zero to hero." They sang together.
"And who'd have thunk? Who put the glad in gladiator?" Alice asked.

Nyo England: I hate this song.

Nyo America: it's Disney! It's great!

"Hercales!" All the muses sang.
"Who's darin' deeds are great theatre?" Francine asked.
"Hercales!" They all sang.
"Is he bold?" Francine asked.
"No-one braver!" They all sang.
"Is he sweet?" Anya asked.
"Our favourite flavour!
Hercales!  My man!
Hercales!  Look at my
        Bless my soul,
Herc was on a roll
Riding high." All the muses sang.

Nyo England: we sound like cheerleaders.

Nyo France: So?

Nyo England: I hate this! This is so horrible!

Nyo Russia: for once, I agree.

Nyo China: Same here.

Nyo America: no! It's perfect just the way it is!

"And the nicest guy." Alice added.
"Not conceited
        He was a nothing, zero, zero,
        Now he's a honcho, he's our hero!
        He hit the heights at break-neck speed
        Zero to hero!
        Herc is a hero
        Now he's a hero." They all sang together.
"Yes indeed!" Alice announced as they stopped singing.

Nyo England: finally!

Later, Gilbert was practicing shooting at targets -- all of those targets were vases with Hercales' face painted on them. Lovino, Feliciano, and Delara were all there with him, watching the scene in the village below. Hercales had once again defeated another monster.
"Pull!" Gilbert ordered angrily. Lovino and Feliciano threw a vase in the air. Gilbert blasted it to pieces.
"Nice shootin', Rex." Delara commented; her tone screaming boredom.
"I can't believe this guy. I've thrown everything I've got at him and it doesn't even --" He stopped as he heard a shoe squeak and looked down at Lovino to see him wearing Hercales-trademark- sandals. "What are those?"
"Um ... I don't know. I thought they looked kinda dashing." Lovino answered nervously as he looked down at the sandals.
"I've got 24 hours to get rid of this bozo ... or the entire scheme I've been setting up for 18 years goes up in smoke ... and you are wearing his merchandise?!?!" Gilbert yelled at him in rage. He was about to blast Lovino when he heard slurping and looked over towards Feliciano, who was drinking from a Hercales -trademark- plastic cup.
"Heh ... thirsty?" Feliciano asked as he held out the drink to Gilbert. The god of the underworld yelled angrily and blasted them both.
Delara got up and walked past Gilbert, flicking him in the face with her hair. "Looks like your game is over -- Wonderboy's hitting every curve you throw at him." She as she rested against the rock wall before the cliff, looking down at the leaving Hercales.
"Oh, yeah ..." Gilbert chuckled as he got an idea and walked up behind her. "I wonder if maybe I haven't been throwing the right curves at him, Del, my sweet." He said as his hands outlined her hourglass curves without actually touching her.
"Don't even go there." Delara hissed angrily as she turned around around to face him.
"See, he's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness, I mean for what? Pandora, it was the box thing, for the Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse, okay? We simply need to find out Wonderboy's." Gilbert explained.
"I've done my part. Get your little imps --" Delara hissed back, but Gilbert cut her off.
"They couldn't handle him as a baby. I need someone who can ...handle him as a man." Gilbert said with a sly smile.
"Hey, I've sworn off man-handling." She announced simply.
"Well, you know, that's good, because that's what got you into this jam in the first place, isn't it? You sold your soul to me to save your boyfriend's life. And how does this creep thank you? By running off with some babe. He hurt you real bad, didn't he, Del? Huh?" Gilbert said passive aggressively as he showed this hole scene with smoke. Del sadly waved it away with her hand.
"Look, I learned my lesson, okay?" Delara said sadly and defensively.

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