Chapter 2

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I returned to the common room and went straight to bed, and lay awake. It wasn't exactly surprising that Malfoy knew it was Ron. Besides, by now I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school knew. Ever since I screamed at Ron in the great hall, rumours that our relationship might not be so perfect after all spread fast and far. And being the slytherin Malfoy is, I could've bet that he was one of the first few to spread the rumour. Not that it wasn't true, though. Still, its unnerving that Malfoy knew my relationship status. I sighed, blinking back tears. Why did our perfect relationship go so horribly wrong? Ron treated me as horrible as Malfoy did these few months, if not even worse. At least Malfoy didn't say things that hurt me like Ron does. I wiped away my tears, and fell into an unrestful sleep.
Draco's POV
For once Granger didn't shoot back insults or punch me in the face. In fact, she seemed as upset as she's ever been. Until now, no matter what words I use to hurt her, she could always seem perfectly fine and insult back. But yesterday, it seemed that her walls were down. I didn't even say the usual cruel words, and she looked like she was resisting the urge to breakdown. Maybe that Weaslebee did something utterly horrible. Granger almost looked worry worthy. But of course, when have I ever cared for that mudblood? Still, there was something about Granger yesterday I couldn't quite put down. I got up from the bed and went to get ready for yet another boring day. Hermione's POV
I got up and went down to the great hall for breakfast early, not wanting to be questioned by the girls in the dormitory what happened yesterday. I was one of the only people in the great hall, and I found a comfortable place at the Gryffindor table and sat down. Gulping down my breakfast of couldron cakes and pumpkin juice, i flipped to the page I last read in hogwarts : a history and started reading it. I had hardly read a paragraph when my book was snatched out of my hand by none other then the ferret. "The Golden Trio doesn't seem to be such a trio right now, does it? " Malfoy snickered."Why so? " he teased. "Malfoy are you indirectly asking for a punch? "I glared at him. "Now let's not start being so harsh. Shouldn't you be saving this attitude for a certain someone else? " Malfoy smirked and tossed the book back to me, missing my face my inches. I looked at him to yell, when I realised he looked terrible. His swag was no longer there, his elegant blonde hair now messy and frizzy, his face very pale, and he was thinner than usual. Not to mention his gorgeous gray eyes seemed empty and lifeless. Malfoy turned around and walked out of the great hall, and I did a stupid thing. What made me do it, only god knows. I followed him. I cautiously followed him all the way to the old restroom where Moaning Myrtle lurked, and I spyed on Malfoy from behind the wall. What I saw shook me to the bones and sent a shudder down my spines. Malfoy was crying. The Malfoy, the bad boy, the bully, the mean one, the ferret, the one and only Malfoy who always strutted around the school and made everyone's life miserable for his entertainment now had great tears flowing down his face, dripping into the grimy basin I once cried into. Without a second thought, I walked into the restroom.

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