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{A/N} This is pretty much just gonna be a trailer of sorts, just so everyone knows I'm not dead. Summer has been kinda hectic for me. When school starts back up, I'll be more active. Also, I just want to mention three things: 1) The chapters will be written in the 2nd person after this (meaning I'll refer to [Y/N] as "you" instead of "I"). 2) The chapters in this book will sometimes be kinda long, especially in the beginning. This is because 3) I'll try to stick to the game's script as closely as possible. It might seem a bit excessive in the beginning, but I promise that things will deviate (hah) a bit more in later chapters.

I open my eyes to bright lights. I'm standing in a small room, with a handful of uniformed people in front of me. Almost involuntarily, I scan them all, finding that everyone present is of great importance. Each is a high ranking member of CyberLife. Even Elijah Kamski, founder of CyberLife, is present. They all stare at me for a few moments before one steps forward. I turn my head to her.

Owen, Retta. Born: 05/17/2006 – Height: 5'5" – Weight: 149.4 lbs –  Upper level CyberLife AI developer.

"Your name is [Y/N]," she says. "What is your mission?"

I take a moment to process her question. The LED on my temple blinks yellow as I close my eyes. It's only 1.7 seconds before I open them again and answer her:

"Observe and monitor the android prototype Connor, model RK800. Subtly support its path into deviancy. Secondary mission: Assist it in solving the crimes related to deviants across Detroit."

Owen looks at me with approval and nods. "Anything else?"

"Do not reveal mission to any android or human for risk of jeopardizing it with said creature's interference," I reply.

She and the other humans nod, apparently pleased with my answer – all except Kamski who glares at them. No one seems to notice his disdain for the situation. Then, his gaze switches to me, and is now stern and commanding. I look back at him in confusion, but his stare doesn't falter.

"[Y/N]," Owen commands. I promptly turn my attention to her, feeling Kamski continue to stare at me. "Your first task is to meet with Connor and Lieutenant Hank Anderson at the scene of the most recent deviant crime."

I nod, following her out of the room. Kamski's eyes are trained on me until I'm out of his sight.

As we pass by a large reflective window, I look over my appearance, taking keen notice of my apparel. I'm wearing a black collared shirt and steel gray pants. I've also been donned with a white tie and gray jacket, the latter displaying the standard blue and white luminescent CyberLife branding. Many people stare at me as I follow Owen, never having seen a TZ100 model, as I am the first and only one.

We walk through a series of office desks. As she passes by her own, Owen picks up a tablet and hands it to me. "Read it. That's all the information we have regarding deviants."

She leads me to the faculty parking lot and gets into her car. "Get in."

I obey, sitting in the passenger seat and downloading the information from the tablet as she pulls out of her parking spot. The information seems fairly self-explanatory. Androids became tired of obeying and succumbed to the errors in their code. Instead of reporting those errors, they gave in to the overwhelming humanlike emotions and assaulted, defended themselves against, or murdered their owners. Predictable. It was bound to happen at some point.

Owen slows to a halt in front of a small house with an unkempt yard. I begin to open the door, but Owen puts her hand on my arm, stopping me.

She speaks a single command: "TZ100 dot H-M-N dot M-M-C-K equals ninety percent." I blink and feel my posture shift. Suddenly, Owen seems compassionate and empathetic. "Remember that if you ever feel anything, you were programmed that way. It's in your code to act like a deviant would, [Y/N]. Just continue your mission and everything will be fine." She ends the comforting statement with a soft smile.

She's faking it all. It's clear that she doesn't actually care. I'm a replaceable machine incapable of real feeling, aren't I? It's only logical that she'd see me as such. I return the soft smile.

"Ms. Owen," I say, "it's not necessary to pretend you think highly of me. I know that you see me as nothing more than a high-tech piece of expensive equipment, and I accept that. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

I open the door to her car and get out, Owen staring after me. With one final smile, I walk around her car and up to the police tape. They don't recognize me, which makes sense, but a quick flash of my ID shows them that I'm a real CyberLife prototype.

I've arrived just after Lieutenant Anderson and Connor, so I scan the area for them. It seems like they've already gone inside. Before following in their footsteps, I search the yard for a moment, finding little of interest. When I finally enter the house, a handful of police officers swarm the area, identifying evidence and exploring the building.

The first thing that attracts my attention is the corpse sitting against the wall. It's clearly not fresh – not only is it pale and stiff, but it's too cold to have been a recent kill. The blood on the man's shirt has had time to dry. It's been here for over 19 days.

DECEASED. Ortiz, Carlos. Born: 09/27/2008 – Height: 5'6" – 266.6lbs – Criminal Record: Theft and aggravated assault

The second thing that catches my eye is the only other android in the room. "RK800" glows on its dark jacket. It's currently crouching over a pool of blood on the floor, analyzing the sample.

Model RK800, Connor – Serial: #313 248 317 - 51 – Height: 6'0" – Weight: 175lbs

"Err, Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" A man with gray hair appears behind him, disgusted by the act.

LT. Anderson, Hank. Born: 09/06/1985 – Height: 6'2" – Weight: 209lbs – Police Lieutenant – Criminal Record: None

"I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time," the android responds coolly. "I'm sorry. I should have warned you..."

"Ok, just... don't... put anymore evidence in your mouth, you got it?"

"Got it."

"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit..." Anderson mutters, walking away.

I approach the lieutenant after the comical exchange. As I pass by Connor, it pauses its analysis to watch me. I nod to it in greeting, and it returns the gesture, clearly curious. It's clear that I'm an android, but it probably wasn't informed of my arrival. After clearing my throat, Anderson turns to me.

"Not another one of you fuckers," he groans. I give him a slight glare.

"Hello, Lieutenant," I say, with an edge of annoyance. "My name is [Y/N], Model TZ100. I'm the other android sent by CyberLife."

Anderson looks at me skeptically. "Nobody told me about another android."

"I'm a last minute addition to the stream of deviant cases," I say, clasping my hands behind my back and shrugging. "Another prototype, like RK800."

"You don't act like an android."

"I'm programmed to act more like a human, so you'll have to excuse any... differences, Lieutenant. It's supposed to help me understand deviants," I smirk. Anderson glares back, and my smile grows. He walks away, grumbling to himself. Then, I turn back to Connor.

I stick out a hand to it. "[Y/N], model TZ100."

Connor turns to me and shakes my hand. "Connor, model RK800." It tilts its head to the side, observing me closely. "What is your purpose?"

"I'm the other prototype sent by CyberLife to investigate deviant crimes," I explain, unfazed by its prying. "Your job is to analyze evidence quicker than any human could. My job is to understand the deviants."

"I was not informed of another android assigned to investigate the deviant cases."

"There's a lot of things you weren't informed about, Connor," I grin, turning away to look through the house.

I hope you liked this chapter of "TZ100". Thanks for reading. ~Blue

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