Part 1

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Alice's Point Of View

waking up in the Mukami household is so not fun, since we have all become Vampires we never get to do the fun stuff anymore, I am just chilling in my bedroom when there is a knock on my door,

" what do you want" I asked

" Dinner's ready Alice" Azusa  said

I waited until the footsteps had left before i decided to get up

I dragged my self off of my bed got dressed  and started to head downstairs I entered the dining room to See Kou and Yuma fighting over food again

" everyone has three man and this would be your forth" Yuma shouted at Kou

" well i'm just very hungry" Kou shouted back to Yuma
They hadn't noticed my presence they were both caught up in there argument to notice me standing there, but before Kou could snatch the food Yuma looked at me

" Good Morning Alice" Yuma says smiling at me

" Good Morning Yuma, what are you to fighting over" I asked Yuma

he just glares at Kou and Laughs

" Hey Asuza, do you want the shrimp before ding bat gets his hands on it" Yuma turns to Azusa

" i'm not sure" Azusa replied to Yuma

" well do you want the shrimp or not man" Yuma asked

" yes please" Azusa Replied to Yuma

there's more food in the middle of the table but before anyone can grab some Kou knocks everyone's hands out of the way.

Just then Ruki comes back with more food that Kou is eyeing up

" will you guys just be quiet I can here you all the way in the kitchen" Ruki shouts making Yuma and Kou jump

" Sorry Man" Yuma replies to Ruki

Ruki walks into the dining room and places more food on the table and everyone sat down, and started eating, people find it weird how Vampires eat human food every now and then but we do enjoy a home cooked meal

I am glad to have the most awesome family ever since mother died we have all been living together with Ruki being the head of the house because he is the oldest

" you guys ready to leave" Ruki asks

I finish my last mouthful before I spoke otherwise Ruki would just glare at me,

" Yeah let me just change" I said then
I walked out of the dining room back to my bedroom i jumped in the shower and chucked on clean undergarments before, i grabbed my uniform from my wardrobe it consisted of a black jacket with white stitching and silver buttons, with a matching skirt with black tights school shoes. i put my purple/Pink hair up into a pony tail, people say they can tell us apart from out hair colour, we all look alike but people can tell who is who by our hair colours.

" Are you ready" Kou says sneaking into my bedroom

" wtf Kou you scared me if i had a heartbeat it would be beating a million times a second" Is shouted

" Haha, we'll wait for you downstairs" Kou replied

" whatever" i replied

i turned around to see that Kou had vanished

" i wished he stopped fucking doing that" i thought to my self

i walked down the stairs to see them all stood by the front door waiting to leave,

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