Chapter 3

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I sat outside the house, in a car, that belonged to the agent. I over at the man that had driven me here and he began to yell.

We need this to look like a fight we were having. I felt him reach over and slap me.

I remembered him as the guy I had beaten only yesterday in a fight. I could tell he was getting his pay back now.

I felt as the door was opened up and I fell back as he pushed me out of the car.

"Your worthless, pathetic, and disgraceful piece of crap," he yelled at me as he kicked me repeatedly in the stomach.

I suddenly heard someone yell, "Hey," from the top the the porch on the house.

I turned my head slightly and looked to see a blur of a man. Then the kicking suddenly stop and a few seconds later the squeak of wheels take off.

I hadn't been beaten like that since I was 16.

I felt myself me picked up off the floor and I heard someone ask, "Are you ok?" Is he an idiot so I look ok.

I couldn't seem to work my mouth though. It felt like it was full of cotton so I just shook my head no.

Two minutes later I felt myself being laid down on a comfortable and I assumed it was a couch.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital after I get you an ice pack or something," He said nervously.

He quickly stood up and left to another room and I heard shuffling then he returned with a bag filled with ice.

He placed it on my stomach over my shirt before picking me up once more. My body hurt with every move he made.

I had learned to hide my emotions long ago though and remained quiet. My vision though still had not fully come back to me and and head began to spin.

He placed me in the back seat of a car in then closed the door going to the drivers side and getting in.

The movement of the car didn't help me with the spin in the head. I was able though to ignore it and lay perfectly still with my eyes closed.

I was fine, I just needed a moment to forget the pain in my abdomen and head.

I let out a long breath and then brought air back in.

I sat up slowly and ignored the pain that shot out everywhere.

"Hey you need to lay back down." He said reaching back and pushed my shoulder to try and get me to lay back down.

I just watched him as he did. I refused to lay down though. I stared him in the eye.

He couldn't control me like the other people I worked for.

He looked at me awkwardly before sitting back in his seat.

"You really should lay down, you are just hurting yourself more," he explained looking at me from the mirror.

"I don't care," I spoke in a dead smooth tone.

"Well maybe you should," He said back rolling his eyes at me.

Yeah if only he knew how deep that statement really hit me. I went quite. My whole life being told not to care and then a man that I was told to kill tells me to care.

To care. I don't even know who to do that anymore.

I sat up straight. I needed to stop these were dangerous thoughts I was having and would only leave me worse then I already was.

These thoughts consumed my thoughts to the point where I didn't even realize we had stopped in front of the hospital.

By now they would entered my fake name and made me an actual human to this place.

I was someone for this short time until the once again made me nothing but there robot.

I was absolutely nothing. Ok.

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