Chapter 1

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I fought and I fought and I'm not even sure anymore why I do. Why do I keep fighting? Why?

I don't know, I've been asking myself why I do. I'm not even sure if am talking about the physical fight I'm in right now with the man standing in front of me.

Deep down I knew what I was talking about but I couldn't admit it.

I felt a strong bloodied fist make contact with my left cheek. I spit the mix of blood and spit out of my mouth.

I stared at him with my dead dark brown eyes. How did I get here? How?

He was clearly bigger and stronger but that would effected his speed. Me on the other hand was.

I moved in fast with a kick and when he groaned and bent over just a bit I brought my fist to his nose making it bleed.

He gave me and glare that should scare me but what was the point it's not like I had something to lose.

He went to place another punch on my face and I quickly dodged it.

He lost balance from the force he put in his punch and I quickly went behind him and placed my foot in the small of his back fell flat he on his stomach.

I quickly climbed on top of him grabbing his arm and twisted it painfully leaving him immobile.

He grunted in pain.

I felt as his other arm smacked on the floor three times meaning he gave up.

I grunted and stood up leaving his body and the floor as he rolled over to his back.

I've fought better men then him. He was a overly confident and believed I'd be an easy win, but it didn't take into account my skill set. No one ever did and it worked to my advantage.

"That was ok," my trainer said coming to view his body.

I nodded before turning to leave. I had to fight three battles and win all three before I could leave. I learned how quickly learn. I had to or else I would die.

I walked down the long hallways that I've come to hate just like everything else that was made us of this awful place.

My own personal hell.

I found the only room I could ever remember staying in.

My family didn't want me. I was told I was dropped off here as an infant. Part of me wishes they would have just killed me off but I guess if you hate someone enough you'd want them to suffer for as long as possible, wouldn't you.

Before going to sit on my bed I touched my blood stain on the wall. It belonged to the only one I've ever loved and also the first person to die because of me.

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