[Chapter 1]

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Waves swept against the boat before falling behind the ship's trailing streams. The fire of the sunset smoldered into the darkening horizon. Reds and oranges overtaken by the growing night. The faithful stars made their appearance without a lick of clouds to disturb their needed visit.

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.

Red sky at night, sailors' delight.

A piece of wisdom as ingrained into you as the surrounding stars. A pleasant reminder of your childhood. All that was missing was the feel of the wind as you'd sit on the booms of the mast, watching the never-ending horizon. Your parents' voices as strong as the crashing waves.

You smiled at the sea below, leaning further towards the edge. The white crests and gentle blue mesmerized you. They called for you to join the calm waters. But, you knew better than to trust the seemingly tranquil ocean.

Instead, you closed your eyes and listened to the waves. The gentle rocking, a comfort. The shouts of orders and sailors at work hummed in the background.

This was home.

Or it was, until wandering footsteps approached you. Your hand went to your waist, only to find it empty of a pistol. Your dagger was underneath too many folds of your dress to bother for. Internally groaning, you recognized the man.

A pretentious son of a nobleman, who decided to venture past the extravagant comforts of his father's seaside manor. Or, forced to find some sort of life beyond said comforts. You couldn't recall his name. It had slipped your memory after the umpteenth time you had heard him repeat himself. A strange way to justify his actions and brute entry onto the ship. One of his relatives had to be rolling in their grave.

You flashed a pleasant smile as he settled a little too close.The title his father carried could spell trouble.

"What is a fair maiden, such as yourself, doing out alone at this time and hour? A number of dangers could befall a delicate creature as yourself on this ship," he spouted with more hand motions than needed.

Not even through the first sentence and you yearned to be stranded in some isolated island during a hurricane.

"Just clearing my mind," you sighed, false naivete pitching your voice higher, "and I wouldn't worry about my safety. If anything came to befall me, I'll be sure one of these sailors would come to my aid."

"These men," he sneered, going as far as tossing his head up.

A healthy push into the sea would do this man, who'd never survive the ruthless work of a sailor, some good. At least, the shove would quell your anger. The sea might not appreciate the quality of the sacrifice.

As you schemed, you hadn't noticed his hand. He brushed a loose hair strand behind your ear, lingering near your neck. A dread raised your skin. Your hand itched for your dagger.

Mother Sea, please accept this sacrifice for my continued safety.

"Thoughts aside, what brings such a fair creature on this treacherous journey," he brushed his hand down your arm and settled it on your elbow, "alone?"

Break his wrist and haul him over the banister.

Your eyes caught the only thing of worth on the man. A pouch deep in his coat. Papers, maybe. It would make for valuable bribes or, your own easy passage through ports. Most likely, and hopefully, money. Easiest to use and hardest to trace.

All this better be worth it.

"I'm looking for somewhere I can start a new life," you answered, adding a gaze to the sky and a hopeful tone. "A new beginning."

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