Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Emma Smith and I just moved to this new and unfamiliar town. My family likes to move a lot, Well we don't like to more like we have to. My dad works for a pretty big company who always has him moving from place to place. My dad promised me this was gonna be the last move for a while, I guess I'm happy about that maybe I'll finally make some friends. I never make any friends cause, what's the point I'd be moving 3 weeks later anyways so, why care for someone that isn't gonna be in my life forever.

I've gotten used to moving from place to place and not even caring about school, but this is a new school in which I'm gonna spend a whole year in. I might as well try to make friends here, all of a sudden I feel the car stop moving. I guess we're here, I look out the window to be amazed at the house before me it was huge, it was beautiful. I jump out of the front seat and just stare at the huge mansion we'll be living in, i hear a car pull up right behind me, I turn around to see my little brother jump out of the car. My mom slowly gets out of the drivers seat and walks towards me, where I'm still standing flabbergasted of how huge and beautiful this house is.

"How did father afford this" I ask my mother.

"Well, your father got a huge raise when he agreed to move out here" my mother answered as she looked at my little brother kneeled in the grass smelling the gorgeous flowers.

"Look Emma let me show you your new room" my father says walking up from behind me with 3 suitcases on hand.

"Oh, let me help you" my mother says rushing to my father to take a suitcase out of his hands. Then they give each other a peck on the lips and I just look away, it's kinda cringy for me.

As we walk into the beautiful house correction our beautiful house, I look up to see an eternal set of stairs and a big Chandelier hanging on the sealing. My father leads me up the stairs and then he turns right, to a hallway full of rooms I'm not complaining but why so many rooms.

My father finally stops as we made our way to the very back of the hallway we're my room can be found. As my dad opens the door I gasp for air, this room is so beautiful and grey, that's my favorite color, Yea some people find it a weird color but I think it's beautiful. I enter the room and a see a king size bed in the center of the room black nightstands right next to my bed. A big black cabinet with a Tv hanging right above it, and a deep blue key board/piano off on the corner of my room. I turn around to look at my father and I jump in his arms hugging him tightly, he's the best.

"Thank you, so much, I love it" I squeal and jump around then I clear my throat and act cool. My dad laughs at my way of trying to act cool and collected, "Well I'll leave you to unpack" my father says as he leaves my luggage at the door.

As soon as my father is gone I run to the key board at the corner of my room, and start playing it's beautiful rhythmic keys. The key board creates a beautiful melody that soothes me, as I open my eyes I see my brother standing at my door.

"That was beautiful" he says with a huge grin.
"Thanks, it's a work and progress but it's getting there" I say smiling at my brother who always encourages me, no matter what.
"Mom says go help downstairs" he says as he walks away with a smile on his face, he turns around before completely leaving my room and says "I think that it's perfect". I smile and look down at my new piano and slowly walk away from it to go help my mom.

We're all unload things from the car when I see this boy jogging, he seems to be out for a run with headphones in his ears not worrying about anyone or anything but his run. He turns his head as he's passing by and I feel as if he staring at me but let's be honest the only person staring was me. He continues jogging and next thing I know he's gone, turned a corner and kept jogging, a part of me kinda hoped he stopped to say hi but I guess not. I continue unloading things from the car and helping put everything in its place, when I'm finally done I head up to my room and throw myself on my bed.

I pull out my phone and watch a little bit of Netflix, watching my favorite show so far, Grey's Anatomy. As I finished episode 13 of season 3 I decide I should probably take a shower, I get my clothes and head into the bathroom that's in my room. I come back out to get a towel and I jump at the sight of my mom at the door, "You scared me" I say breathing heavily.

"Sorry, I just came to thank you for helping, and to let you know that....... You have school tomorrow" my mother says as she gets a towel for me. She hands me the towel and I'm shocked, "Your telling me I have to go to school tomorrow" I say shocked. "I'm sorry" she says upset, she walks away and I quickly close the door.

I wasn't suppose to be going to school this week but now I have no time to mentally prepare, I can't believe my mom didn't tell me I have to go to a new school and I haven't even finished unpacking completely. I still can't believe she didn't say anything sooner

I'm gonna take a shower get my clothes ready for tomorrow, which is gonna be awful, I hate being the new girl especially when everyone else is half way through the school year, I mean you'd think I'd gotten used to it by now but I don't think I ever will. I hop in the shower and quickly get out, put my clothes on and wrap myself in the warmth of my great new bed.

I let out of sigh of relief and joy as I close my eyes, and drift off into peaceful serenity.

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