Joe the Dog

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Nogla picked up Joe the puppy, well dog now . You were playing with joe while the guys got ready to grab some things for him . You stayed behind and kept an eye on the dog . When everyone left you shifted into you wolf form , but to be honest you looked more like a husky . You and Joe wrestled and played around . While you were wrestling , the guys opened the door and saw you .....
"Umm Nogla when did you get another dog??" Evan asked . "I didn't I only got joe" Nogla said look in at you , you decide to play it cool and act like a dog . You went up to the and licked Evans hand , he laughs and bends down scratching your ear . While doing so he looked for a collar . "No collar so I guess it's a stray?" Tyler says , "but then how did it get in here" del asked confused , you jump up into your hind legs and lick his mask , he chuckles and scratches your head , you get down and your mind is yelling at you that you need to get away so you can get back to your normal self but your puppy instincts fight you , Tyler let you and joe into the back yard , Evan throws a ball making you and joe race , " Speaking of witch , where is y/n" Tyler says , your ears perk up to listen , you have the ball in your mouth and you drop it by Tyler's foot, he looks at it before grabbing it and thinking of where to throw it . "She probably is sleeping she's had a rough day with tomorrow to today" Evan says using his hand to push back his hair . You let joe get the ball and you went over to a bush and you found a small hole that you soon were able to fit through you push the dirt back so joe can't get out you quickly run around the house and change back into your human form and you go up stairs and act like you were sleeping , You hear the door open and with your eye slightly open you see Evan come in and he gives you a kiss on the cheek before leaving , you see him leave and smile , what a Hectic day . You slowly drift off to sleep .

Evans P.O.V - I leave my room and go outside to see all the guys checking out bushes and calling out , "What's wrong" I say "We lost the new dog" Tyler says looking behind a bush . "Joe?!?" I say panicked . "No Teddy or that's what Dels name for it was" I start to call out too and spot dirt laying on the ground " I walk over to see freshly dug up dirt , I pull back the bush to see a hole "Guys..." I say the soon come over and see the hole , "well if teddy squeezed through there it's gone" Tyler says ....
Y/n P.O.V- I wake to hear the guys calling out , i look out the window to see the guys looking for ... Teddy? I then realize that must be the name that del gave me , I feel bad and star to run down stairs and shift into my wolf form. I run back to see Evan and the guys calling for me . I run up to del and tackle him . He screams at first before laughing , I lick his mask making him laugh more . I see Tyler pull out his phone and call mark . He video tapes the you and asks if he knows who dog this is , notice this and give him the look to say 'I need your help' , "OMG you guys found my dog" Mark says. "Wait you have a dog " Tyler questions , "Ya I have Two Chica and Max , that my friend is max". I go over to Evan and start to role around in the dirt , "Max" Mark says , i instantly get up and bark . "Max" Mark says again, I bark and my tail wags . I sit my tail still wagging , "If Her name is Max then why is it a girl" Del asks , "When I first got her when ever I said Max she would bark so she kind of named herself" Mark says , "I guess we will take her to your house then" Ohm says , "Aww dose that mean puppy go bye bye" Lui says , I put my ears down and look at him , I trot over and he scratches me "You guys can play with her again sometime" Mark says .
10min later .
I looked at the crew I saw Dels sad expression , I quickly grab something and pick up a teddy bear in my mouth , I bring it over to del , he bends down and takes it and hugs my neck, I trot over and hop into the passenger side of marks car .0nce we were far enough away I change back into my human form , I talk with Mark about life before hopping out and act like I went for a walk , once in the house all the guys didn't mind you , you told Evan that you went for a walk and he understood and you went to your room to record and edit .before ending the day with sleep .

Werewolves of Sin (Vanoss x Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu