Protecting Philip

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Syrena's POV

Suddenly, we saw a giant group of mermaids appear from the water near us. "Oh no" I said, trying to keep my voice down.

"What are we going to-" He whispered back. The mermaids were getting closer. "Run!" He ordered.

We ran into the village. No one suspected anything when we ran in there initially, until a group of naked girls started limping towards the village, trying to chase us. Confused and worried expressions filled people's faces.

"It's okay," I gasped out of breath from all the running, "We don't have to..." gasp, "Run far..." gasp,  "They don't know" gasp, "How to walk yet."

We started to walk away as I tried to catch my breath. I wasn't used to running. We looked back at the struggling girls whilst chuckling to ourselves. It did look funny.

"They're going to learn how to walk soon and catch up with us. Mermaids learn things quicky." I pointed out.

"Yes and when they do, we run again." Philip replied.

"I'm not fit enough to run anymore, but if they reach you, they'll kill you."

"Don't worry, if I die today, at least I will still have memories of you."

I stared at his dreamy eyes. He was so hot. He had gorgeous blond hair and he was the only pirate that put a smile on my face. He was very religious and always wore the Cross on his neck.

"I don't want them to hurt you. I always thought that I would be the first of us to die, from what the pirates did to me. I didn't think things would end this way."

The mermaids finally learnt how to walk and they started charging at us.

"Now we run!" Philip announced.

We started sprinting as fast as we could, as fast as I could. But we didn't know where to go. We frantically searched for a place to hide, but inevitably failed.

I heard a loud screaming noise from behind me. I turned around and saw Philip being dragged down as a tear escaped from my eye. I had lost him.

"I love you Syrena." He called back at me, then he was gone.


Cross My Heart (a Philip and Syrena fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now