"Thanks." Sage smiled, looking up as she rolled the sleeves up until they stopped at her wrists. Stiles stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes dazing off as a look of uncertainty flashed across his face. Just as soon as it was there, it disappeared and Stiles was clearing his throat. 

        "No problem," Stiles muttered going back to his place in his chair.

        Sage shrugged in the hoodie, falling down on Stiles' bed as she waited for Danny to walk through the doo. She knew that it wasn't going to take long at all, especially since Danny didn't live that far away from the Stilinski's. From the time of the phone call, he could be at the house in less than ten minutes. 

        She had been right, too, because ten minutes after she called the teenage boy, there was the opening of a door and that had been him entering the Stilinski household, coming here intending to work on school-related things. She felt bad lying to him, only because she was barely aware of what Stiles' plan was involving Danny herself. 

        The brunette boy walked into Stiles' room after Sage called for him to come up, his backpack hung over his shoulder as he glanced between the two. Derek was yet to be discovered, hidden behind the door and out of sight like he wanted to be. Much like Sheriff Stilinski and Derek's eyes, Danny's held a look of accusation as he slowly smirked.

        Sage rolled her eyes. Seriously? Did everyone in Beacon Hills think they were having sex?

        The blonde finally slapped her thighs with a huff, standing up to stand next to Stiles. "Alright, Danny. You know how much I love and respect you, and would be the first to kill anyone that broke your heart?" 

        Danny let out a sigh. "What do you want?" 

        "We need you to trace a text," Stiles deadpanned, getting straight to the point while Sage clenched her jaw.

        They really should have eased into it more. Although, Sage was pretty sure Stiles wasn't familiar with the term 'ease unless it was with confessing feelings. That's something he definitely eased into, unlike this current situation where she watched as Danny's expression went from amusement to utter bafflement. 

        His eyebrows shot up rather high. "You need me to do what?

        "We need to you trace a text for us," Sage repeated, trying hard not to wince considering she knew what this was sounding like and all of the risks the three of them would be taking by just simply asking Danny to do this.

        "I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do, Sage," Danny deadpanned, his stare hard as he looked at her disapprovingly. 

        Sage subtly hit Stiles on the shoulder, trying to get him to take over the situation which ony made Stiles glare up at her but give Danny a huge, false smile. "And you will. We all will. After you trace the text." 

        "And how do you think I know how?" Danny interrogated, grabbing a hold of his backpack strap.

        Sage sucked in air, narrowing her eyes at Stiles. She didn't know Danny could do any of it, Stiles just said, "believe in me," and she willingly did. There was still hesitation, but she didn't have any better ideas. Besides, Danny didn't exactly look like someone that could trace a text.        

        Stiles cringed. "I—uh...I looked up your arrest report." 

        "I was thirteen! They dropped the charges." Stiles held up his hands when Danny grew defensive about the topic of the charges that were pressed against him when he was younger. "So no, we're doing lab work." 

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