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4:11 AM
My digital clock read, I couldn't sleep, but that wasn't a drop of my worry. In the near distance I could see my roommates sleeping figure slowly move up and down due to her breathing. What could a person like Namjoon who was gentle, calm and conserved possibly be doing with a person like Jieun, who was arrogant, rude and selfish.

7:14 AM
My eyes where still wide open, I didn't want to admitted, but I was in pain, emotional pain, months of loving from far didn't realy help on my part, I was just like background picture to him, an image to soon be forgotten, something that made up his enviornment but didn't matter at all.

My phone chimed as I recived a call from my mom. Did I want to pick up? Did I want another session of "im well''s and ''everything is okay''s and ''my grades are okay''s? to be honest I wasn't well, everything wasn't okay and my grades... well they were great, however I just couldn't keep lying, but what else could I do? She didn't understand no matter how much I explained. I answered anyway for my next session.

"Hi mom."


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