Chapter 5: The Deal

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Ladybug  gasped as her mind was brought back to reality. Hope's hands stopped glowing blue.

"What was that? It was . . . so real." Ladybug panted. "Almost like I was actually there . . . where ever I was, but . . . I was still here. I never moved. Like . . . another dimension."

"That was a glimpse into your possible future." Hope answered, removing her hands from Ladybug's head. "I have the power to see other peoples' futures so I can help them with their problems."

"Wait." Ladybug said to Hope. "How do I know if all, or if any, of this stuff that you're showing me is true? You're a villain. Why should I believe you?"

"Because I'm not necessarily a villain." Hope started. "I mean yes I do look like one and my powers are from Hawkmoth, but . . . I help people. I offer solutions that I see fit for their problems. But since I am fan and you were my idol for being a real life superhero, I'll let you decide your fate from the choices."

"Choices?" Ladybug raised an eyebrow.

"You and Chat Noir are falling apart." Hope said honestly. "He's always pestering about your identity and asking every detail about your life. We both know that it's getting out of hand. Especially with your constant rejection and avoidance of the answers. It drives both of you crazy and hurts both sides. This pain needs to stop."

"I know." Ladybug agreed, looking down at the ground. "You're right about me and Chat Noir. And yes, my patience is wearing thin and I can't stand him for it. But . . . we'll get better . . . eventually."

"But how?" Hope asked, sitting next to her. "Something has to change and unless you fix the issue, what I showed you will become a reality. Do you want to live that life?"

Ladybug pondered it. "But what could you possibly do? What could you, yourself, change?"

"Well there's many things that I could-"

"Don't worry I'll save you, Ladybug!" Chat Noir shouted, running towards them.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug angrily shouted. "I don't need your protecting."

Helping Hands walked up to him and grabbed his hand that held his baton. She looked into his eyes for a brief moment.

"Why don't you leave us alone for a moment?" She asked before using her hand to easily launch him across the city again.

"He's Something, alright." Hope laughed. "Did you know that he has Ladybug and Chat Noir action figures? Aw and posters too!"

"Oh my gosh." Ladybug cringed. "That's so weird. You saw that?"

"Well I did only look for a moment when I had touched him. I do have the power to look into peoples' thoughts and memories, but there were lots of Ladybug memorabilia in there." She answered. "He probably acts out situations like this with all his toys so he can come in as the hero saying 'I'll protect you Bugaboo.'"

"Ugh!" Ladybug raged. He's always saying stuff like that. He thinks I can't handle myself, always trying to be a hero." She flared. "He just wants me to tell him everything and love him back-" Ladybug stopped when she saw Hope's smile.

"Now there's the problem." Hope analyzed. "Chat Noir is in love with you."

"What does that have to do with his constant nagging?" Ladybug was a bit confused.

"Think about it. If Chat Noir wasn't in love with you, he wouldn't care who you were underneath the mask, he would protect you as a partner, but believe in your own abilities and he wouldn't need to know all about your civilian life. The job at hand would be the only thing of importance."

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