Chapter 1

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Eight years Later:

Raena's POV:

"Girls breakfast is ready!" I groaned as I heard my mom shout. Ughh school starts back today.

"Raena, you up?" I turned and saw my twin sister Rawiya enter my room.

"Yea sis?" I asked and sat up in my bed.

"Can I borrow a pair of your boots, idk which one yet." She said and walked into my closet before I even replied. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

After doing my business, I made my way back to my room but I felt a strange vibe or something. I looked to see if my sister was in the hall but it was just me. I continued to walk but I felt a pull and found myself walking towards my parents' study. I opened the door feeling something call out to me, I don't know what it was but I needed to find it.

I walked towards the shelf and looked at the books, one of them stood out to me. I pulled it out and it felt hot in my hands but I felt no pain from the heat. It was the Grimoire, but what was it doing here. Mom usually keeps it in her room or on her person.

I glanced around, saw that the room looked untouched like the day mom and dad left to see Sara at college. It was strange normally when they're at home, dad is working busily at his laptop while mom is searching for different versions of history in the different books. They were historians at the local university.

Huh. I took the book with me and closed the study's door. I walked back to my room and saw Rawiya staring at her phone.

"What's wrong Rawiya?" I asked looking at her confused face.

"I don't know, I just got a text from mom saying that dad and she wouldn't be back till tomorrow, something about a delayed flight." I looked at her phone and read the message.

"But isn't she downstairs now, maybe it was sent but got delayed due to service connection," I said and placed the book on my bed. I looked at my phone and saw a message. It was from mom. Huh?

Girls, your father and I are stuck in England. The airport officials are saying that it's due to some thunderstorms. It's really Overcast here, can't see the mountains whatsoever. Luckily, your dad brought an Umbrella, so we're good in case The rain falls. Sorry, we couldn't be there for the first day back. The weather was so Nice when we left your sister's campus at Oxford University. Sara said hi and that she can't wait for Christmas. She wants to come home, she misses your homemade Waffles, Raena. Okay well, I should find out more info about our flight. Bye girls. Oh before I forget, don't forget to give Nan and Brody their casserole dish when you drop Brandon home okay. Love you girls and don't forget the stories I told you.

I showed Rawiya the message and she looked stomped.

"Why would mom text us if she's downstairs, and we already gave the dish back to Aunt Nan."

I looked at her then at the text. Mom isn't a person to go into unnecessary details, she's blunt about everything. I looked closer, some of the letters were capitalized and bold than the others. I read the letters that were different.

G. E. T. O. U. T. N. O. W. 

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