Chapter One

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     Genji Shimada was not in any way marriage material. He was handsome and charming, sure, but he wasn't somebody you could ever imagine yourself spending the rest of your life with. You'd been warned; he slept with a different girl every night, and you'd never guess it from his sympathetic smile or by the false genuineness of his words. What's more, even with such a strict, imposing clan standing behind him, Genji managed to slack off, taking nothing seriously. He was playboy who was foolish and immature in anybody's eyes.

     None of that mattered, though. He was your fiance now, whether you liked it or not.

     Your bloodline held a fair amount of power in Japan's current landscape, with endless amounts of money and a vast array of weapons in its name. Few families were as influential as yours. Of course, the Shimada clan was still far more dominant, making it a significant threat. All it took was one step out of line, and the Shimadas could wipe out every member of your family and each of your allies. In no way would it a pose a challenge to a clan like that.

     When Sojiro Shimada, head of the clan, approached your father to negotiate an arranged marriage, your fate was already set. This marriage would give your family an immeasurable amount of wealth and protection, along with peace of mind. They'd be safe from the Shimadas. You, the daughter they'd trained to be so obedient, would have the honor of wedding a scion known across the nation. The benefits were clear, and it hadn't taken more than one hour for your parents to agree to Sojiro's terms.

     You'd went along with it, of course. You'd expected a future like this from the start. In the world you were raised in, it was clear there was little room for women. You'd have to fight hard to make it, even if it meant agreeing to terms you didn't like. 

     "Why are you out here alone?"

     The sudden intrusion pulled you out of your thoughts, and you were brought back to the present: hiding away in the Shimada estate's garden. It was dark outside, and you couldn't quite make out the figure that was nearing you, but you stood and bowed anyway. In the few hours you'd been at the estate, everybody you'd been introduced to had a social status notably higher than your own. Politeness was a necessity, especially until you could marry Genji and secure your place in the tangled web of the clan's social hierarchy.

     "I apologize if I was not supposed to wonder off on my own. I simply needed some air," you said. You already regretted straying from Genji's side, feeling as though you made a mistake in leaving him to be on your own.

     "My brother asked that I find you. He is . . . worried that you may be overwhelmed, but did not want to involve our father in the matter."

     As your eyes adjusted, you could make out Hanzo Shimada's face in the dimness of the moon and the soft light of the lanterns hanging on the cords above your head. He stood stiffly in front of the garden's fountain, studying you with a sense of professional curiosity. "I must admit that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, Mr. Shimada." It felt odd to call him that, as it was also what you were expected to call his father and many of his relatives.

     "Refer to me by my first name. You are to be my sister-in-law, after all. These formalities are not necessary." He hesitantly sat down on a cement bench that rested underneath a wreath of wisteria. After a pause, he looked up at you, gesturing for you to take a seat next to him. He offered nothing but a curt nod as you obliged. "You do not truly want to wed my brother, do you?"

     Your first instinct was to lie, to say marrying Genji would be a dream come true. It was the smart thing to do. Being distrusted or disliked by somebody like Hanzo would make your life significantly more difficult and probably much shorter, and you didn't want to risk that. But you had been living a lie all day, playing the role of a happy bride-to-be when you were really anything but. During dinner, you'd even had to sit by complacently as one of Genji's uncles evaluated how you'd perform as far as "breeding" went. You needed a minute to recollect yourself, and you were desperate for even the slightest chance to vent. "This isn't about what I want, is it?" It was a question, but it came across as more of a blunt statement.

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