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tuesday 4:45 pm

lunablaise sent you a direct message!

hey i know we don't
talk much but if you
have a minute, there's
something I really
need to tell you

hey! and okay that's
fine, what's up?

keep in mind that i'm
not trying to upset you,
i just really thought you
should know.

what is it?

zach hasn't been completely
honest with u. neither has
loren. i saw what happened
at the party, i was there. i'm
not sure what all zach has told
you about that night but if you
want, i can tell you everything
i saw and I have a few pictures.
i'm really not trying to start anything
especially considering that loren
is one of my best friends, but
what she and zach did isn't right.
i'm telling you this bc i know that
if i were in your shoes then i would
want someone to tell me.
if you give me your number we
could talk about it face to face if
you want. i know this might be
hard for you to take in, you're
probably hurt and confused rn
and i'm so sorry that it had to
be brought to your attention this
way but i'm here if you
wanna talk about it or even just
need more explanation to what
i saw that night, just let me know
girly xx

thank you.
my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx

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