Chapter 20: Dilemma

Start from the beginning

Hannah started to feel uneasy. But then again, Jono's had never been a place for wholesome types. "Are we in any danger?"

"I don't want to alarm you, but if he shows up at Jono's again, I do need you to inform us immediately. We need to try and catch him before he leaves Dalen again."

"Who is he?"

"He's a foreigner, likely has some men with him. He uses a number of guises, but most know him as Raul."

All Hannah's bones seemed to turn numb in that moment. "Oh ... oh no."

"What? What is it?"

She stopped to look at him. "That can't be right. It must be a mistake."

Macks stared at her, realization coming into his eyes. "You've seen him."

"He's just a trader. He's no criminal."

"I'm sorry but you're wrong."

"He's in love with one of the waitresses. A good friend of mine."

"Then you can lead us to him?"

"Are you mad? She loves him. They're going to be married. I can't – "

"Hannah, listen to me," he said firmly, standing in front of her. There was none of his usual lightness or humor at this moment; now he spoke only with purpose. "The man is dangerous. You must not believe whatever charms he has shown all of you."

"She's known him for years."

"But how well? Do you know?"

She turned away, growing more and more disturbed by the minute. Meanwhile, Macks untied something from his belt, handing it to her. "Here, take this."

"What is it?"

"Money for a messenger. If he comes to Jono's, you must fetch me at once."

Hannah refused to accept. "You cannot ask me to do this."

"I am not asking."

She blinked, surprised at his tone.

"Please, I'm sorry for having to involve you like this. But we need your help. This is your duty to Dalen."

"My duty? I don't even belong to this city! Why should I listen to you? Why should I care?" She started to leave, but he came after her, grabbing her shoulder.

"You don't know how many cities he's wanted in. The trouble he's caused."

"It's just your word."

"If you don't believe me, then I can have Stefan tell you himself. He'll show you all the reports and statements, and you can very well read through each and every one of them. Does that suit you?"

She shrugged him off, the two staring at each other like enemies.

Macks did a sigh. He took up her palm, cupping her fingers over the bag of coins. "You must trust me."

What about Ginia's trust? Doesn't she matter?

"Perhaps it may not even come to it at all. We have a few other leads. Perhaps one of them may prove lucky."

She faced forward, looking in the direction of Jono's. "I'm going to be late."

"Hannah. Make sure you tell no one. Not your friends at work. And not your brother either."

She kept quiet.

"We will speak again soon." He bowed, then took off, running into the crowds.

Hannah waited until he had gone, then stared down at the bag he'd given her.

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