Any person looking in would find that this was all melodrama. Thinking that this couldn't be someone's real life because there way that all this could happen to two people. I found it hard to believe too.

I get to H's room which was a little ways down the hallway. The aura in the room is dark as I see his scraped and bruised face. My heart sinks when I see the black and blue bruises and the cuts that had been sewn back together. It was hard to see him like this. His lips are dry and cracked while his once pigmented skin was now paled and discolored.

"I'll leave you two alone," Jackie tells me once I am wheeled to his bed. I breath heavily and touch his beaten face, my hand trembling when the roughness grazes my fingertips.

I hyperventilate and hold his hand that had IVs stringing out of it. Fluids are pumping into his system while the heart rate monitor beeps in a rhythm that never made me feel so alone.

"Oh my god..." I breathe breaking out into sobs. My mind disturbed from having to see him like this, he looked as though he was bordering on death.

"H? Harry? Whoever is in there... if you can hear me..." I stifle out a few works but feel my lungs collapse. Hyperventilating again my gaze drops to my stomach where my baby resides.

"Please don't leave me. I love you so much. I love the both of you so so much! And I know you probably can't hear me but just please don't go, stay with me," my ribs undergo pressure as I lean forward to lay on his delicate hand. "I want you to stay here with me because I need you. I need you more than you know. I know I act like I despise you and now I understand that's how you've felt since you were little. Like you were despised, I know what your mom did to you. That's why you are the way you are because you experienced everything for Harry. You saved him from all that heartache. Without you, I don't know what he would have done. So please I'm begging you, hold on just a little longer."

H was apart of Harry and for me to love Harry fully I needed to love H and maybe just maybe that was the key. What if all H ever need was love? I understood now that H was created to protect the vulnerable little Harry. It was Harry's mind's way of coping with the violent abuse he underwent at the hands of his mother. It was his brains was of protecting his delicate mind, it shaped another personality to shield him away from his violent world he lived in.

"Chanel?" I hear a soft voice at the door as I lay on Harry's chorded hand. "The police want to speak with you,"

"I can't right now," I manage to get out not even looking over my shoulder to notice she is behind me.

"They said it's urgent," Jackie presses as I look at her with my teary eyes.

"My husband is in a coma and their questioning is urgent?! Are you kidding me?" I raise my voice out of frustration as I hold on to Harry's link hand.

"Doctor Lonnie told them with your condition that it would be out of the question but we don't have much of a choice, I'm so sorry," she says before taking my wheel chair and wheeling me away. I keep hold of Harry's hand until I am wheeled further and further away, my grip loosens and his hand falls limp.

It's a short distance back to my bed where I am hoisted up by a male nurse with the help of Jackie. I am gently laid down as I wince in the familiar pain of what this felt like last time. I notice upon entry two investigators with badges on a chain around their necks.

What could this possibly be about?

"Are you comfortable?" Jackie asks as she positions my head to a sitting up position.

"Yes, thank you Jackie," I nod and watch her leave.

"We are so sorry to be barging in like this especially after the condition you are in," one Latina officer says while I subtly roll my eyes.

"Not to be disrespectful detective, but can we hurry this up? My husband is in a coma down the hall and he's my priority right now. I also have my own recovery to deal with so if you could make this quick I would appreciate it," I arch a brow and attempt to cross my arms but fail due to my casted up arm.

"Yes, lets just get straight to the point," the other detective close the door while the Latina one comes closer. I read her name tag "Jenny", when she gets closer the smell of vanilla body mist brushes my nose. This was the same detective I spoke to about Elizabeth and John's murder... well from what we staged a "murder-suicide".

"We are here to talk about the murder-suicide of your neighbors the Jones. We found evidence that we need you to clear up," My heart attacks me with rapid beats when I hear what this was inquiring. I keep a cool and collected outer appearance to give them the sense that I wasn't nervous in the slightest.

"Go on,"

"We found your ring in the Jones' bathroom, could you explain why it might have turned up in there?" The detective asked showing me a picture of my wedding ring on the countertop.




What was I supposed to say? How could I have been so careless? H is going to kill me!

"Well when I first went into the house... I ummm I lied when I told you I didn't try to help John. I went over to him but got blood on my hands, I didn't want to be implicated or questioned on if I was involved with the killing so I went into the bathroom and washed my hands," I had to lie, what else was I supposed to say? That my husband created a blood bath?

"John didn't have any broken ribs which would have occurred if you tried to resuscitate him," the detective presses me to explain on what I meant by help.

"I didn't try to resuscitate him, I checked his pulse but he was drowning in blood. I couldn't find a pulse so I went and washed my hands and after found the baby. That's when I saw Elizabeth and called 911," I constructed the best story I could under all this pressure. I didn't know where else to turn, I didn't know what else could have made sense.

"So then why did you lie to us before?"

"I was scared, I didn't want to be involved in a death. I know it sounds rude of me but I can't have that next to my name when I'm trying to make my way into the film industry. That's career suicide," I tell them hoping they are believing what I'm saying. It's hard to know since their expressions are impossible to read.

"I understand Mrs. Styles, we will let you get back to your husband. We will keep in touch, we have your ring and I'm sure you want that back. Get better soon," I scoff in my head and roll my eyes. As if getting better is attainable currently.

"Thank you," I tell them watching them leave. I take a deep breath and look down to see my hands are trembling under the blanket. I slump down into the pillows and close my eyes trying to breathe deeply.

N. Damn things are escalating, I swear Elle needs a much needed break lol! How are you guys feeling so far? Any predictions? What do y'all WANT to happen?😂

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