"Negative. I understand the point you are trying to make, pilot. I am only suggesting you be cautious when dealing with problems involving other students." 

"Whatever you say, buddy." With an audible sigh, you walked over to your desk to look over some school related items when, as if on queue with your previous conversation, your scroll buzzed. It was Ozpin. (Y/N), please see me in my office. "Of course he would. I hope it's something important." 

"Good luck, pilot." Your titan said.

     A few minuets later, you stepped onto the top floor of Beacon Tower. In front of you stood two large double doors. Muffled chatter could be heard from the other side. Whoever it was talking didn't sound happy. 

      Pushing open the doors, you found that the voices belonged to Goodwitch and Ozpin. "Ah, (Y/N), you're here. Please, take a seat." 

"You! How dare you-" Glynda's would be angry rant was cut off when Ozpin spoke.

"Now, now, Glynda. I will handle this." He reassured her. Her face grew a scowl as she walked out of the room. "So. I here you caused quite a bit of trouble during your lunch today."


"Care to explain why?"

"Care to explain why I had to do it for you?" Your used a semi-accusing tone. Ozpin heard it too. He sighed.

"You know I cannot have you harming my students. I am on thin ice already with keeping you here. Hurting other students is-"

"Then maybe you should stop the students from harming each other. This school teaches its students to take action if they see a problem. I saw an issue, I took action, so why is this my fault?"

"You should have waited for a professor to come and resolve the problem."

"Bull. Shit. I have been waiting for someone-anyone to step in and stop Cardin but no one's done a damn thing. And there was no way I was going to stand there while he hurt a student that wouldn't fight back." 

"That doesn't change the fact that you-"

"That I what? Hurt him? Taught him a lesson? What would a teacher have done? Given him detention? No. You want to solve a problem, you do it right. Cardin wasn't the kind of person to 'see the error of his ways' and simply stop."

"I understand that, but you should not have been so brutal."

"Brutal's the only way I know."

"I see." Ozpin took another sip of his coffee and looked out the window. "Just refrain from doing this again. Now go to class. You've already missed one." You turned around and walked out, now confirming the suspicion that this encounter was, indeed, a waist of time. 

     Ozpin watched as the pilot walked through the doors to his office and back into the elevator. He sighed, thinking about what (Y/N) had said. "Brutal's the only way I know." This boy clearly comes from a troubled life. Undoubtedly one at war. Ozpin understood what war did to people. He had, after all, been around for almost all of them. So he knew why (Y/N) resorted to violence. It was because there was no reasoning with an enemy on a battlefield. He simply needed to understand that Beacon wasn't a battlefield, but breaking habits of war can be difficult, Ozpin knew this as well. He had sent the video recordings off the day of the initiation. Both the Vale council and Ironwood received a copy. The general was still skeptical. Ozpin figured he might be. Thinking that he could use the skill to kill everyone if he wanted to. The Vale council was split. Some of them thought they could use the pilot's skills, while other's shared ironwood's ideals. 

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