🌹Chapter 13 (pt.1)🌹

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Namjoon stood by a window, watching the woman he loves leave the mansion with a quick step.
He made no emotion nor said a word.
There she goes.
Each step made her farther away from him.
The monster that she revealed was a man.

Miriam sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder " Namjoon" she whispered.
" how do I break my curse?"He asked without removing his eyes from the glass.
" True love" Miriam said.
Namjoon scoffed and brushed past Miriam " Really? You think some stupid shit like that will work on me? The dark one?"
" I dont think." Miriam reached into her dress pocket " I know it'll work." She pulled out a small vial, with a pink and purple swirling glow.
" What is it?" Namjoon asked as he took the vial from Miriam's hands and inspected it closely.
" True love"She answered.
" What?" He exclaimed " It has never been bottled before."
" yeah, but I managed to do it. I just needed two hosts that contain true love towards each other and right away its like a chemical reaction, Thus creating bottled love" she explained.
" who were the hosts? That one mermaid and the prince?" He guessed.
She shook her head.

" Cinderella and prince charming?"

" no."

"Snowwhite and James?"

"Guess again."

" you and that asshole pianist "

" His name is yoongi, and no."

"Then who?"

Miriam smiled and leaned against the wall " a beastly man and the princess maid."
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head " Thats impossible"
"Namjoon don't be an idiot!"Miriam grabbed his hand and pulled the vial closer to his face " The proof is right here!"
" How the hell did you even make the potion?"He shook himself off her.
" I used hair" Miriam answered.
" Is that why you asked for her hair in exchange of the dress?" He questioned. She nodded with a hum.
" when did you get my hair?" He asked.
" At the masquerade, when I took your eyelash off your face"she answered.
He was silent.
"Are you sure it'll work?" He eyed the potion.
"Positive"She answered and snatched the vial out of his hands. " but I'm not going to give you this "
"Why not??" Namjoon said alarmed " I thought you said it would work on me "
"And it will" she put the vial back in her pocket " but you already had the cure in front of you. Y/n loves you and you love her.You two made the chemical reaction that allowed me to bottle it."
" well I can't do anything now." Namjoon muttered.
" and why the hell not?"Miriam crossed her arms over her chest.

" because she's long gone. Didn't you see that I let her go?"

" I just saw that you asked for her to buy flowers. She might return namjoon. I'm sure shes the key to your curse. Trust me on this."

Time skip ~
It was already afternoon of the next day. Namjoon was sitting on the couch his dear princess would love to spend hours on, devouring book after book.
He smiled at the little way she would move her arm , as if she herself was in the story, about to strike down a mighty beast or dragon, or the way she nibbled on her lip when things were intense in the story.
He absolutely loved everything about her.She in her simplicity was glorious.
The way she danced with the broom or mop.
The way she jumped as if her life depended on it to clean those hard to reach places.
The way she would attempt to be discreet about sitting closer next to him during tea time and failing horribly at it, but he never said anything.

He had completely forgotten how quiet and lonesome his mansion was before y/n arrived. The walls of mansion seemed dull and long. Hid breathing seemed echoed throughout the halls. It didn't help that the weather outside was cold and gray. Not a ray of sunshine, nor fluttering butterfly or bird flying by.
Everything seemed so dull...
Who knew one person could make a great impact on a place, or another person.

Namjoon sighed and stood up from the couch and walked towards the bookshelf where Y/n would exchange the books to read a new one. He took notice she would have a particular fascination with fairytale based books and decided to see what the big deal was with them.
He grabbed a book about a princess that was cursed on her sixteenth birthday and was only able to wake up by a prince worthy of her and the so called ' true loves kiss.'
He sat down once again, legs crossed over one another. He didnt even noticed he soon began engrossed with the book and time flew by like a running deer, rushing through the forest.

" I never knew you were a fan of fairytales"

The voice brought namjoon to snap back to reality. He raised his head and saw the last person he'd expect to see.

"Y/n? What are you doing here ?" He asked, slowly raising from the couch and taking slow steps towards her.

" I did the favor as you told me to " she answered, and raised her hand to reveal a basket filled with flowers. " you thought I wasn't going to come back right?" She said with an ammused smile.

" frankly I didnt even notice you were gone for so long" he muttered. " I was beginning to enjoy the quietness of the mansion."he lied.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms acrosd her chest " admit it. You missed me."

" perhaps just a little."he mumbled. " but why are you here? You do know I set you free right?" He asked her, still not able to wrap his mind aroubd the fact she returned to the man who took her away from her family and made her work endlessly with little to no freedom what so ever.

" I know" she said and slowly walked to the couch where she spent her days reading "but I still want to know you. I want to know the man." She looked at him straight in the eyes.
He saw her curiosity and sighed softly.
" very well." He said and sat beside her.
"Many years back when I was just a normal human being, and worked with the magical arts, I used to love a woman. She was everything to me " he whispered " she and I were inseparable, until one day, a wizard cursed me just in mere spite, because he loved her too. He cursed me and made me look this way and she was repulsed by my appearance. Since then I have grown cold to people and terrorized them with my looks." He paused for a second, recalling the horrible things they said about him and the scornful looks.
"Ive worn cloaks ever since, hiding my face and started practicing dark magic. Eventually I became the strongest dark sorcerer and was doing favors for people for an exchange of something else. "
" and this woman" Y/n said softly " where is she now?"
" with the other sorcerer." He muttered and stared down at the ground.
" That's why you say you are unlovable" Y/n whispered and he nodded.
" You know...." She put her hand on top of his. " you're wrong about that"
He turbed his head ever so slightly and faced the beautiful princess beside him.
"Do you think you can love me?"


Just kidding and continue reading on the next chapter thingy

Beauty and The Monster (Rapmonster x reader-Fairytale AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz