♡Chapter five ♡

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Y/n had finished all her chores assigned to her, so she was in the main room, reading a book she brought with her from her previous home. The dark one was already home at that time, but unaware of the escape. He too was in the main room, sharpening his torture tools and wiping the dried up blood off the previous one.
¨ I noticed you were bothered by my previous session with our guest ¨ The dark one spoke, almost as if this were all child's play to him. ¨ i'll try to be quieter this time, but i won't promise on behalf of our friend ¨ he said with a twisted smile.
Y/n didn't say anything and just looked at him. No expression on her face, yet she knew that after he finds out heĺl with rise up in the mansion.
He gathered up all his tools and left the room and headed towards the dungeon. Y/n focused on her book, counting the seconds before all hell broke loose.

Soon enough , the dark one came raging through the door and stood right in front of the princess. She looked up and could see his mouth twisted into a frown. Thankfully, the hood he always wore hid the rest of his face so it didn't seem like he was all that mad, yet his tone of voice said otherwise .

" care to explain why the prisoner isn't in his cell? "Rap Monster sneered.

" I let him go " y/n answered calmly , trying not to be frightened by the dark one.

" why would you do such a thing??!" He yelled out angrily .

" he didn't deserve to be tortured that way. He could've died " y/n rose her voice at him . He laughed " that was the point dearie " she glared at him with a fiery look. " it's all these books you're reading, getting the idea of heroism in your mind . that's enough of that!" With a snap of his fingers , the book that laid in her lap disappeared.

" it's not my books, and I'm not playing hero " she defended " he just wanted help"

" he wanted more than help!" He pointed to the cabinet filled with vials of potions." Look. He ran off with the potion he tried to steal earlier "

Y/n stared at the cabinet. Her lips were in a straight line, and she didn't say a word.

" get ready " the dark one grumbled.

" for what?" She asked.

" we're going after him " he said and went through another cabinet filled with all sorts of things like, books, gauntlets , swords, and a particular item that he pulled out : robin's bow .

" what will you do?" She asked, almost fearful of the answer.

" finishing the job "

The dark one used a locator spell in the bow which helped him and y/n track down robin. The two ride through the enchanted forest in their carriage in pure silence, that is until the princess tried another shot at changing the dark one's mind.

" Rapmonster." She said quietly

" what do you want now?" He groaned

" you don't have to kill him you know "

He snickered " yes I do "

She furrowed her eyebrows at the ' man' " you don't. There are other ways to make him pay for what he did"

" oh you're right " the dark one clapped his hands together " shall I put him in the corner for a time out ?"

The princess gave him a deadpanned look .
" listen princess. What would people think of me if I let him go Scott free? They'd believe I've gone soft, and try to take advantage of me and my things . So I have to do this"he explained

" you're evil" she said through her teeth

" evil? No dearie". He leaned closer to her and his twisted maniacal smile was showed through his hood from his cloak " I'm much much worse "

Then and there the carriage stopped abruptly and the dark one opened the door. " come" he ordered and she followed . He went up a hill where the trees were able to hide him from wherever robin was and y/n was right behind him." There's the bastard " he whispered.

Sure enough there was the so called bastard. Robin was pacing back and forth from below their hiding spot. His face was filled with anxiousness and tiredness. The green vial rested in his hand.

" now what?" Y/n whispered

" I have an arrow with magic embedded in it that will shoot straight into the victim of your choosing ." Rap Monster said as he opened his cloak and pulled out the arrow " with this, I can't miss at all .

" are you seriously going to kill him with his own bow?" She asked him in disbelief. The dark one surely was much more evil.

Rap Monster was quiet and focused the bow and arrow to his unsuspecting target. Just then, a carriage came by and stopped in front of robin, who seemed relieved that it did. The dark one and the princess leaned closer, both secretly curious as to who is in the carriage.

Out came a man carrying a young boy. The boy was still very young, around the age of four or five, and looked deathly pale.

" Do you have the potion robin?" The man that was carrying the boy asked.Robin nodded and removed the cap off the vial. " I have it. I told you i was going to save my son, no matter the cost."

"Its his son..." Y/n whispered to herself " I told you he was helping someone. He's trying to save his son." She said to rapmonster who remained watching the scene.

Robin put the vial to his son's lips and pour the liquid down his throat. Right away the boy's skin regained color, and his eyes fluttered open. Robin smiled and hugged his son tightly.

" You can't kill him.The boy is already motherless. Dont kill his father too." Y/n begged. " I know you think people will think of you differently, but don't you think that's good? Be good and spare his life."

" Im just a monster" the dark one mumbled under his breath " many people think so."

"I dont" Y/n said." i know there's good inside you. There is a man in there. "

He scoffed " the man is dead"

" Please dont." she whispered.

Rapmonster pulled back his arm, aimed and shot.

Except, the arrow didn't hit robin. Nor his son, or the man. It hit the carriage.

Robin became aware that the arrow was meant for him and quickly jumped into the carriage and rode away from the dark one and the princess.

Rap Monster turned around and faced y/n. She smiled " you spared him."
" I missed " Rap Monster said and walked past her.
"Really? Wasn't that a magical arrow?" she hummed in amusement.
" shut up" he groaned, causing her to laugh softly.
" I knew there was good in you " she said as she followed him.
" Whatever you say."

Beauty and The Monster (Rapmonster x reader-Fairytale AU)Where stories live. Discover now