💟 chapter 7 💟

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Hours passed and the dark one reached hunter's cliff. He peered over the cliff into a deathly fall. He kicked some pebbles and watched them fall with a scoff.

" Maleficent.I'm quite impressed. I didn't know you had it in you."

He said as he turned around to face a woman, with long raven hair and horns, wearing nothing but dark black clothing and holding a staff, and a crow resting upon her shoulder.

"I'm not here for cheap praises. " she flatly said. " Give me the wand and you can have your wench back."

He bit the inside of his cheek." Just a little FYI, that wench as you put it, is my maid, my property, my thing, And you do know how I feel about when someone takes my things." he threatened. He stepped closer to the woman " where is she ?" he growled.

" She's right here, " Maleficent said and with a snap of her fingers, y/n appeared in front of the dark one.

She was tied up by a rope and had a gag around her mouth, yelling out his name in a muffled scream.

" Now give me the magic wand or your little princess falls tragedy to her death." threatened maleficent once more

The dark one laughed mockingly " well seeing that you asked so nicely " he lifted his hand as clenched his fist, causing Maleficent to rise up into the air, gasping for air.

He laughed evilly and looked at her dead in the eye " did you think you can get away from stealing from me and manage to get away with it? And by yourself? I expected more from you."

" She isn't alone "

A new voice spoke up and out came a dark-skinned woman, her hair dark as ebony, and a kelp dress adorning her body.

"The sea witch" The dark one scoffed. " Ursula, how nice of you to join us"

" let her go rap monster, and give us the wand, or else we will kill your precious doll," Ursula said as a slimy tentacle emerged from her and wrapped itself threateningly around the princess's neck, causing her to writhed in its cold touch.

Rap Monster grinded his teeth, given the certain circumstances.

" we don't have all day rap monster ." Ursula flatly said. " you have three seconds "

" three"

His eyes flicked around to see if there was something he could do. Maleficent was still in his airy choke hold, but if he were to do anything else to her, Ursula would snap y/n's neck with no hesitation. There was no way he could get out of this one, besides the one where he would have to comply.

"One," Ursula said, and her tentacle tightened around the princesses neck and a pained scream was heard through the gag from the princess.

" Fuck " Rap Monster cursed and let go of Maleficent.

She dropped to the floor, coughing and gasping for air.

Ursula let go of the princess and walked towards the dark one " the wand" she commanded.

Rap Monster glared at her through the hood " you'll pay for this dearie. And believe you me, it will not be pretty." he handed her the wand

" It never is." Ursula smiled mockingly before going to Maleficent who has at that point composed herself " you've gone soft." she said before leaving with Maleficent.

Rap Monster quickly went over to y/n who was rubbing her neck from the tightness " are you alright?" he asked in a concerned voice"

" yes I'm fine " she managed to speak out " but the wand, they got it "

" nevermind the wand, it's a fake," he said as he removed the princess's hands from her neck and placed his own there.

" wait, they have a fake wand?" she questioned.

" of course they do. Do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to let them have a powerful object?" he muttered and cured her neck.

" why did you come?" she asked him.

" why else?" he said standing up, not facing her direction. " you're my maid."

" yes but I'm just a simple person. If I died, I would have been easily replaced." she pushed him to answer her question.

"I just..." he started to speak "I just really like your tea."

The princess rolled her eyes and stood up from the ground " fine then don't tell me."

Rap Monster chuckled softly and started to walk " let's go home. "

"Yes dark one, " y/n said as she followed in tow.

" its namjoon" he spoke out.

" what is?" she asked.

" my name." he stopped and turned to look at her " Kim namjoon. Dark one doesn't sound right coming from you."

A smile rose on the young princess's face. " Can I really call you namjoon?"

" do as you wish " he turned around once more and started to walk.

" how about joonie? Or joon? Or namjoonie?" she started throwing out nicknames to tease the dark wizard.

" I take it back, don't call me by my name "

" too late~"

Beauty and The Monster (Rapmonster x reader-Fairytale AU)Where stories live. Discover now