AFTER STORY (part 2)

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'RYAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!' He gave me a really wicked laugh 'what do YOU think I'M doing?' he gave this really wicked smirk and continued trying to rape Rose. I clenched my fist and cracked my knuckles. 'YOU BASTARD!!!' i shouted at the top of my lungs. I stomped to him and grabbed his collar and sent a punch to his face, leaving blood on the side of his mouth. He wiped away the blood and smirked. I wanted to beat the smirk of his face but he said something that made me stop. 'hahahahaha, Alvan Alvan, my old friend. You're angry at me because i caused your girl's life huh? But wait, it's not my fault, it's YOUR fault. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

'NO NO NO, IT'S NOT MY FAULT, IT'S YOUR FAULT. IF YOU DIDN'T FIGHT WITH ME, RENEE WOULDN'T HAVE RAN AWAY AND GET INTO AN ACCID...' before i could finish my sentence, Ryan cut me off. 'hahahahaha, innocent little Alvan, it's not MY fault. If you didn't pick up a fight with me, Renee wouldn't run away. You didn't care about her. You didn't chase after her quick enough to prevent her from dying. IT'S YOUR FAULT, YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT HER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA''s not my's not my fault....I didn't cause her i collapsed to the ground and cupped my hands over my eyes. It's not my tears streamed down my face as i remember this familiar sight of me. It was when i was outside the operating room, crying in front of Mrs Tan but i didn't care...

Then i heard a loud thud and someone collapsed to the ground and a sound, somewhat like a knife dropping onto the floor. I wiped the tears from my face and when i looked up, i saw Rose holding a metal object, something like a mini metal statue that had blood on the edge of it. I turned to Ryan and he was lying on the ground, unconscious with a sharp knife right beside him. I turned back to Rose and gave her a what-happened look. I didn't want to speak, i didn't trust my voice. I knew my voice would be shaky and hoarse. She didn't reply but she hesitated and said in her gentle voice 'i think we should call the police' i nodded and handed her my phone. She didn't ask why should she call instead of me but i guess she understood why. She dialled 999 and she briefly described the situation to the police. When she hung up, she stared at me then at Ryan then back at me. She went into a room, i think i was her kitchen and came back with a rope. She threw it at me and signaled me to tie up Ryan's hands and legs in case he woke up and became crazy again.

Soon, two police cars arrived at the building and four policemen came knocking on the door. Two of them brought the unconscious Ryan to the hospital immediately while the other two brought us to the police station. After about one hour of intense questioning, we were finally released and they said they would contact us if they would need us to come back to the station for more questioning.

We, Rose and i, walked down the pavement and i broke the silence 'so, do you want to go to a cafe and talk it over or do you want to go to your apartment and talk?' She bit her lip and turned to me. 'Let's go to a place i've always wanted to go but didn't' i gave her a weak smile and nodded my head.

We then arrived at this place, very familiar to both of us. We walked to a nearby bench and sat down. 'so, this place is sort off your, erm...favourite memory?' she smiled nodded her head, her face still facing the horizon. I swear she looked like Renee for a moment. 'you wanna start your story or me?' i realised we didn't really talk about our past before. She didn't reply but she just started her story...

'Ryan is my ex as you would know too. He met me online. We then started chatting and we soon decided to meet each other. We fell in love with each other but it wasn't just this simple. He told me he loved me so much but he wasn't sincere. I somehow knew he was lying but i didn't care. I love him and pretended to love me so i carried on with the act. After dating with him for about half a year, he then told me that he was lying to me and said he actually still love someone else. I actually suspected that and i knew he would eventually break it to me but i was still shocked and couldn't take it. I told him we had to break up but he didn't want to. I was confused because he didn't love me at all but he still wanted to continue this worthless relationship. So i just tried to avoid him as much as i can but it was no use, he still keep contacting me and all. Remember that day when we were at the cafe and we were chatting when he called me? yea, he wanted to meet me but i refused. When i left and was on the way home, he was actually stalking me and he pulled me to a dark and lonely alley. I knew he was crazy already, like really, he IS mental. i was scared and he wanted to rape me but luckily i managed to escape. Then he came to my apartment today and this incident happened..'

I listened attentively as she said her story but it was actually quite hard to absorb everything. Then i asked her how did she knock him unconscious earlier and she continued 'actually, i was knocked unconscoius by Ryan but soon, i regained consciousness. I saw him holding a knife, wanting to stab you. I knew he was being crazy again so i grabbed my metal statue and hit him hard on the back of his head and he collapsed then yea, you know the rest.' i nodded my head slowly and bit my lip lightly. So i guess it was my turn to say my story so i did and she listened. After the whole story telling session, i asked her why was this place was her favourite memory. When i asked her, her lips turned to a bright smile. 'it's actually when me and my ex met, it wasn't Ryan, his name was Anthony. He was just perfect. I was walking on this beach and surprisingly, the beach was mostly quiet, there wasn't a soul in sight. But as i was strolling on the beach. I caught sight of a hunk. I then continued with my walk. Then the hunk came over to me and asked if he could have my number and i blushed a little before saying "why should i? you're just a random stranger" he then blushed and gave me a smile. "then how about we grab lunch and we'll talk" so of course i agreed. We chatted and laughed and i had the best time of my life and soon, we started to date but soon he left because of some reasons...' her voice became softer and harder for me to hear and she started to tear.

I put my hands on her shoulder and i gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and asked more about Renee and of course, i gave her a really deep and detailed description of her and she listening attentively. Sometimes she even grinned a little. She actually reminded me of Renee, like her twin sister just that they don't look alike...i don't even know, i just feel that i'm gonna fall in love soon, again...

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