Chapter 8: The bad boy's party

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Well, it was another day of hell, in other words, school.

I was walking down the corridor, about to go home when I heard some people laughing behind my back. I ignored it and continued walking. That’s when I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around. Ugh…it’s Nicole and her gang. Now what do they want from me?

‘ Renee…you silly and ignorant girl…you just won’t listen won’t you? You just won’t listen to my advice. I don’t have to care anyway, even if I can’t get Alvan’s heart now, I’m sure I will be about to do it soon. Plus I still have all the other boys begging for me to notice them. You? Hahaha, you won’t get a chance. ’

‘ Nicole, shut up. You have no rights to criticize her…it’s considered as verbal bullying, I can make you have detention for a week. ’

All of us turned to look at the mysterious voice. I didn’t know who she was but I knew she was someone with high authority. After Nicole saw her, she and her gang immediately rolled their eyes and walked away.

‘ hi, you must be Renee. I’m Charmaine, the school’s head councillor. I take charge of all the students’ well-being. I hope you were not affected by Nicole’s remarks or whatever. She’s always causing trouble around here. ’

‘ hi Charmaine. I got used to them anyway… ’ I gave her a bright smile and a slight nod to say thanks.

‘ haha, okay, see you around then ’ she smiled back and left.

Charmaine was taller than me by a lot I guess…don’t judge, I’m short…she had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She had a slim body with perfect curves, making her body shaped like a bottle. I guess many guys would fall in love with her cause she had the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!! Okay…I’m exaggerating a bit but you get the idea right?

And just so happened that Alvan was ‘eavesdropping’ on the whole incident. He tapped me on my shoulder, and just when I turned to look, his lips touched my cheek. I blushed a little and asked him why was he there?

‘ why not? I wanna look at my pretty brown eyes that’s why ’ he grinned.

Ughhh…why must he be so sweet?

‘ so…erm…Renee, it’s my birthday this Saturday and Brandon and my other friends are gonna have this party at my house. You can invite anyone, but you must come okay? I insist you come ’ he gave me those puppy eyes while I giggled a little and nodded.

I already knew who to invite. I would invite Rachel and Kaiyi. But the only problem now is what gift should I give him…


Hmm…should I buy him a card? Nah…it’s too ‘normal’. How about a bear? Nah…it’s too childish. Omg!! This gift is perfect!! I paid for the gift and wrapped it up, feeling satisfied.

Then I asked Kaiyi and Rachel if they could go to Alvan’s party. Both agreed. It would be the best party ever!


Today was so weird in school…

Charmaine suddenly came up to me and asked if I was going to the party and I said yes. It was weird cause when I was walking down the corridor, everyone was talking about Alvan’s party. Wait…so practically the whole level was going to the party? I thought only a few people were going?

I asked Alvan who was going for the party, he said that he didn’t know but for sure there are more than 50 people going for the party. Okay…I didn’t know Alvan was that famous…probably he’s the school’s bad boy and he could throw the best parties? Well i don't know.


The week quickly passed by. Soon, it was already Friday night. I couldn’t sleep that night, I just couldn’t wait for the party. I agreed with Alvan that I would arrive about 3 hours earlier. The party started at 12 in the afternoon, I don’t even know when the party ends but I knew that it would be a wild one.

I didn’t know what to expect from the party, afterall, it’s the first time I’m invited to such a huge party. I told my mum I would be home really late so she wouldn’t need to worry about me.

I only slept for like 3 hours before waking up. It’s 8 so I had 1 more hour to arrive at Alvan’s place. I wore my crop-tee and my shorts. Then I grabbed my high-cut converse before leaving home. Of course not forgetting the present too. I planned to be the last few to go home and after everyone left, i'll give him his present.

I plugged in my earphones while I strolled to his place. I was listening to ‘iyiyi’ by Cody Simpson. I love the lyrics so much. Soon, I arrived at the familiar house. I knocked on the door and a familiar face opened the door for me…

Author's note: hi guys :D If you're reading this note now, it means you've read the story until this chapter, so thank you for that. I'm really happy you guys are actually reading this, i know this story isn't really how i expect it to be but i'm continuing it anyway. So i give you guys a big THANK YOU  :)

ps i lub you guys so freaking much, hugs and kisses to you guys :*

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