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YMMD // 02

"wait up!"

soonyoung smiles at the sound of jihoon's voice. then he turns, only to see the boy with seungcheol as they catch up with him. he tries his best to keep the smile painted on his face, and asks, "what's up?"

"i was wondering if you could show us the way to that cafe you were talking to me about," jihoon says, "please, soonyoung? i really wanna go! you could join too if you want!" it's such a shame that soonyoung really wanted to get there for the first time with his best friend, but here he is now, getting there to check the place out as a chaperone. obviously, he doesn't want to do it. but he has to. and he wants to make jihoon happy no matter what happens.

soonyoung nods, "okay. follow me then."

the cafe was only a few blocks away, and soonyoung had to keep himself distracted all the way there just so he wouldn't pay attention to jihoon's attempts to get closer to seungcheol. it wasn't really hard though. but when they got there, things got a little bit difficult for soonyoung.

they were met by an inviting atmosphere, almost with a sense of home. copper stemmed pendant lights and marble countertops all over the place play against whitewashed brick and lots of greenery. indeed, soonyoung knows how to pick a good place. everything was going quite well so far, until they had to choose a place and settle down. and of course, like how the universe planned, soonyoung had to be face to face with jihoon and seungcheol across the small table.

"i'll go order for the three of us," jihoon volunteers and starts to write their orders on his palm. as soon as he leaves, an extremely awkward atmosphere shrouds the gap between the two boys. soonyoung tries his best to look busy by just randomly sketching on his journal- which seungcheol noticed.

he snickers, "is that jihoon?"

their eyes meet, and soonyoung gulps as his hand slowly moves to cover the page, "y-yeah."

"you draw and write about jihoon a lot, that's weird. and definitely not something a best friend would do. unless you don't see him as a best friend." soonyoung's eyebrows furrow at the statement. he finds it rude that seungcheol is talking too much about his friendship with jihoon in a way that could pass off as slightly offensive.

"are you gay?"

soonyoung flinches. he always feels queasy whenever that particular question is brought up. he feels judged right away, like fifty pairs of eyes staring at him at once while the whole society laughs and deems him as "less" of a person. soonyoung feels his hands shake, and he gulps "what is it to you if i am?"

"nothing!" seungcheol laughed as he threw his hands up like he's being arrested, "i have nothing against gay people, but it's just weird, you know? best friends don't draw or write fictions about each other."

soonyoung grunts irritably, "and your point is?"

"forget it."

and in that moment, soonyoung knew that he doesn't really like seungcheol. he's like one of those typical mean jocks straight out of high school movies. sure, he may be nice to others, but soonyoung won't let a boy leaving him with a disgusting attitude end up with his best friend.

jihoon comes back with the orders after a few minutes drag past. the petite boy sits down on the chair next to seungcheol, which was near the huge windows. soonyoung's mouth gapes in awe as he watches the faint glow of sunlight glinting off the strands of jihoon's hair. he barely realizes that his hand is already letting the pencil slide freely across the paper to sketch. seungcheol notices again, and laughs to himself.

soonyoung is falling all over again. and he's quite unsure if it's bad that he has been thinking a lot about his best friend- about comets. because all stars are destined to explode anyway. he'd count out all the stars in between them endlessly, make promises all built on uncertainty, though he knows everything will be left empty anyway. that's just how things go.

jihoon will always be too far away even if he's just right next to him. they will always be looking at the same stars, under the same sky. just not the same constellations.

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