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Wonwoo made his way to the library knowing that he had things to finish and he knows Mingyu will take about an hour but he didn't mind

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Wonwoo made his way to the library knowing that he had things to finish and he knows Mingyu will take about an hour but he didn't mind. The alone time was a win even though he kinda misses his boyfriend.

He set his textbooks on a free table then sat down. He started to grab papers from his bag and set them out. Time to get working he said to himself then stared to write down notes.


"So mingyu, how did the tour go with Wonwoo?" The principle asked. Mingyu's cheeks started to heat up Thinking about the boy "oh uh it was great. We're now really close friends" Mingyu responded really really close he thought. "Oh that's great! I heard about what happened in his last school. Poor boy" the principle sighed as he rearranged his papers. "Oh what happened?" Mingyu asked and he knows he shouldn't. He doesn't know if Wonwoo was comfortable about him knowing but Mingyu was itching to know about the boys past.

"A lot of things happened. Things that even I can't come past even if I tried to forget about it. What I've heard he's been through bullying and other terrible things." The Principle sighed with his hand on his mouth. "His mother told me only part of it. I can't believe he's so strong" he added. Mingyu was shocked and confused. He was shocked that these things happened but confused on why it happened. "Oh" was all Mingyu could say. He felt that guilty feeling rise up his stomach Wonwoo should've told me this not the principle he thought.

"I think we discussed what we needed for today. Thank you for coming Mingyu" the Principle shook the Youngers hand "take care of him" he added. Mingyu stared at him blankly but smiled after "Yes I will. Thank you Mr Kim. have a nice evening" then Mingyu walked out of the office and went towards the library.


He walked through the doors and saw the library almost empty. He walked towards the back and saw Wonwoo with his head down and eyes closed this boy is always sleeping in here. Mingyu smiled and walked over towards him. He shook Wonwoo slightly "Wonwoo it's time to go" he said quietly but older just groaned and moved away. "You're in the library Wonwoo" He added. Wonwoo groaned and lift his head "that was a fast hour" Wonwoo said as he stretched his arms. Mingyu smiled at the cute scene and went to peck Wonwoo on the lips but was stopped by the olders hands . "No stop" Wonwoo jokingly said as Mingyu pouted.

"I should take you home it's late" Mingyu said as he sat up and started putting Wonwoo's things away. "Can't I just stay at your place? My house is boring" Wonwoo whined then attached to Mingyu's arm. "Your mom is probably worried" Mingyu chuckled and rubbed the boys head. "Your right" Wonwoo sighed and picked up his things then both boys walked out of the library to Mingyu's car.

They were about 20 minuets into the drive but Mingyu's mind kept going back to the conversation he had with Mr Kim. The urge feeling in his stomach was growing massively and he just wanted to let it out.

"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked out of the blue. Wonwoo turned towards him with a confused expression "um yes I'm fine. Why?" Wonwoo asked wondering why Mingyu just randomly asked that question. "Um well it's just" Mingyu trailed off. Should I really talk about this? He thought. "Mingyu just say it" Wonwoo encouraged.

"The things that happened in your last school. Were they true?" Mingyu asked quietly. He could see from his peripheral vision that Wonwoo's smile sank. Fuck I knew I shouldn't have said anything Mingyu cursed at himself. "W-who told you?" Wonwoo's broken voice asked.

Wonwoo's heart sank. Just when he thought he could forget about it, it just turned up again. He knows that he never told Mingyu about his past life so how did he know? Wonwoo thought.

"The principle- he told me things" Mingyu said as he stopped in front of Wonwoo's house. "What did he tell you?" Wonwoo asked as he looked out the window. He was on the brink of shedding tears but tried to force them in for the sake of him and Mingyu.

"That you were bullied- look Wonwoo if you need to talk then I-"

"No I don't need your help"

"Wonwoo it's not good to keep these things in-"

"I'm fine! Just-just leave me alone" Wonwoo's voice was demanding but broken as he opened the car door and walked out. He wiped his tears as he walked up to the front door to unlock it.

Mingyu felt his entire heart drop. I should've kept my mouth shut . He thought as he hit the steering wheel.

Wonwoo felt so hurt at what he thought was a stupid reason. Everyone tells him to 'talk it out' or 'get proper help' but he doesn't need that. He's not gonna walk into a building and talk to a random stranger about his problems. He just wants reassurance and love. He wanted Mingyu to come back and wrap his arms around His fragile body and whisper sweet things into his ear.

He ran up stairs ignoring his mom calling for him. He slammed the door and just broke down in tears why can't I forget it? Why can't it just go away? He asked himself as he sat on his bed with hot tears streaming down his face. I want Mingyu. Why am I so stupid? I yelled at him for nothing!. All Wonwoo could do was cry like he always does.

Mingyu drove home with the pit of guilt in his stomach. He wanted to wrap Wonwoo up in his arms and tell him everything was gonna be okay but he thought the boy hated him right now. I always have to mess things up do i? He thought.

Mingyu was always the 'odd one' in his family. His family always tried to raise him to be proper and mature but his childish side always got to him and would annoy everyone around him.

"Mingyu don't touch that!" Mrs Kim warned as she slapped Mingyu's hand. "But mommy I wanna play with it" Mingyu pouted. "No mingyu. Your gonna get hurt and I will have to deal with it" she said again but in a more harsher tone. "But the other kids are playing with-"

"I don't wanna hear it Mingyu"

"But mom-"

"Be quiet! Listen to your mother!" Mr Kim now shouted. Mingyu look down with tears about to flow down his eyes.

Mingyu still remembers the day that happened when he was 7. He just wanted to be like the other kids and play with toys but his parents would never let him. He felt like he was trapped and his parents excuse was always 'we're just trying to protect you' . Mingyu chuckled at that. They couldn't give two shits about me.

He started recalling all the shitty memories he went through with his parents and making side comments about them but what he wasn't doing was watching the road.

He heard a loud car horn which brought him out of his head and noticed a car heading right towards him.

He saw the bright headlights coming closer

Everything went black.

This was personally hard for me to write. Please when driving focus on the road and nothing else.

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