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Wonwoo was sitting on his bed contemplating on whether or not he should call Mingyu and apologize but he thinks the younger doesn't want to talk to him 

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Wonwoo was sitting on his bed contemplating on whether or not he should call Mingyu and apologize but he thinks the younger doesn't want to talk to him 
. He kept asking himself why can't he open up to people and why can't he just talk to someone about his problems, it's just ruining his life and relationship. He loves Mingyu so much but his past  was always getting at him. He knew he wasn't strong enough to hold a actual relationship and thought Mingyu was waaaay to good for him.

His phone lit up Signaling that someone was calling. He rushed towards his phone hoping it was Mingyu but it was Seungcheol. "Why is he calling me at this hour?" He asked himself then picked up the phone.


"Wonwoo where are you?"

"Um at home why?"

"Give me your address"

"Woah Seungcheol-"

"Mingyu was in a car accident we need to go to the hospital quickly"

Wonwoo's heart dropped down to his chest. This isn't real. It's a dream. No stop it's fake. He thought to himself but it was to real to seem like a dream. He stuttered out his address to Seungcheol. He just couldn't believe this.

Tears started to flow down his cheeks "it's my fault" he quietly said to himself as he started to breathe heavily.

"It isn't your fault Wonwoo. I'll be at your house in 5"

Call ended.

Wonwoo dropped to the floor and started sobbing. "Why am I so stupid! It's my fault!" He yelled to himself.

Ms Jeon burst through the door and saw her son on the floor crying his eyes out. "Wonwoo what happened?" she asked softly as she took him into her warm embrace. "Mom it's my fault! He's hurt because of me!" He sobbed into her chest. "W-what happened Wonwoo tell me" she stuttered out.

"Mingyu got hurt and he's in the hospital but we had a little a-argument" he choked out. "He's gonna be okay Wonwoo. It's not your fault" she said as she held him tight. She could feel her shirt getting wet but that's the last on her priorities.

They heard a car horn from outside and Wonwoo shot up "its Seungcheol. He's gonna take me to the hospital to see Mingyu" He said softly as he hugged his mother tight. "Okay I'm fine with that. Make sure you eat" she then laid a soft and long kiss on Wonwoo's forehead then hugged him tightly. "Okay thank you mom" Wonwoo walked out of his room and rushed downstairs.

Ms Jeon felt a tear escape her eye. She hasn't seen him like that since the divorce and still wasn't used to it. She tries her best to take care of him and loves him to death but she's worried about him. What if he has a breakdown and no ones there? She thought.

He has Mingyu

She was confident in that relationship. She knows Mingyu won't hurt her son and literally puts all her trust into him.

He will be okay.


When the car stopped, Wonwoo ran out and headed towards the entrance.

He went up to the front desk exhausted at all the running. "Where's Mingyu?" He asked.

"Are you a relative?"


"You have to be related to the-"

"I'm his boyfriend now let me fucking see him or I'm going to kick this fucking door down"

The nurse opened the door for Wonwoo leaving a very shook Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"He's in room 4" the nurse said and Wonwoo literally sprinted towards it.

He opened the door slowly and was greeted by a sleeping Mingyu with all kinds of wires and tubes attached to him.

The image was so disturbing to Wonwoo as he approached slowly getting a clear glimpse of the boy. He could see the bruises on his face once he got to the side of the hospital bed.

Another tear slipped down his face just looking at him. He grabbed Mingyu's hand and pressed a soft kiss on it "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mingyu. It's all my fault I-I should've just talked to you but I'm stupid and keep things in." He sobbed out as he held onto the boys hand.

He sat next to Mingyu and laid his head on the youngers legs still holding onto his hand. "Mingyu, I love you. Please stay strong. Oh god I'm-I'm so sorry" he said again as he sobbed into the fabric of the hospital bed.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan stood at the doorway just feeling terrible. "Do you thing he'll be okay?" Jeonghan asked as he rubbed Seungcheol's back. "Yeah. That boy is strong. He has Wonwoo with him so he'll be fine" he responded.

"Are you here for Kim Mingyu?" A person asked from behind the couple. They turned around and saw the doctor with his clipboard. "Yes we are" Seungcheol responded. "Okay. Mr Kim was in a head on collision and just shattered a bone in the shoulder area. Other then that he's fine. Usually accidents like that don't go so well but he was lucky." The doctor sighed. "Thank you doctor" Seungcheol said then waved the doctor goodbye.

"I think we should come back tomorrow" Seungcheol suggested and Jeonghan nodded.

Cause I felt bad for leaving y'all hanging like that

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