Chapter 32

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"Virgil, get up" Logan told the sleeping boy for the 4th time, "no" Virgil told him whiles rolling on to his other side and pulled the cover over his head making Logan sigh and rub his eyes clearly annoyed with him. 

"If I have to get up early so do you" Roman who was lent on the door frame rolling his eyes when Virgil muttered a quiet 'piss off' and snuggled further  in to the covers, "it's our first day at the new school we can't be late" Logan told him as Roman walked over and yanked Virgil's covers to the floor earning a glare from the emo, Roman chuckled and kissed his cheek before telling him to get dressed then dragging Logan out to the kitchen. 

Virgil slowly got dressed before sleepily walking to the kitchen stretching along the way, "hey Virge" Patton happily greeted placing his breakfast on the table as Virgil said down, Virgil smiled at him and thanked him before beginning to eat. 

"Thanks Pat that was great" Roman said as he finished his food and pecking Patton's lips before getting up and washing his dish. They all finished their breakfast quickly not wanting to be late for school and began checking their bags to make sure they had every thing needed for school. 

They set off to school slightly earlier then needed since they didn't know where the school was and had to rely on google maps on Logan's phones, they got to school with 15 minutes to spare only going the wrong way a few (7) times due to Roman's bad map reading skills. 

When they get to the school they make their way to the office so they could get their time tables and locker keys, "hello how can I help you?" the nice lady at the front desk asked smiling at them. 

"Hello we are new we're here for our time tables and locker keys" Logan told her politely smiling back, "oh yes I remember now Logan, Roman, Patton and Virgil right?" the woman asked as she looked though one of the draws on her desk, Logan nodded as they waited for her to hand them the stuff they needed. 

"And here you go" she said handing the keys and slips of paper to Logan so he could hand them out, "thanks" Patton thanked her smiling as he followed Logan who handed everyone there time tables and keys. 

"Aw we're not in any of the same classes" Roman frowned as they all compered time tables, "at least our lockers are next to each other" Patton smiled at them all, "we should get to class so we aren't late" Logan smiled back at Patton taking back his time table and stuffing in to his front jean pocket. 

"See ya at lunch" Patton smiled giving them each a long kiss before skipping away to his class not wanting to be late to his art class it was his favourite lesson after all and he didn't want to make the teacher upset with him, "meet you here so we can talk to lunch?" Roman asked gaining a nod before he gave them each kisses then making his way to drama classes. 

"I believe our classes are in the same hall way walk with me?" Logan walked holding out his hand witch Virgil quickly took it smiling and nodding. The bell goes off as they were out side Virgil's new class room, "your nervous" Logan told him making Virgil roll his eyes, "thanks captain obvious" Virgil told him, "I apologise" Logan told him looking at Virgil slightly concerned, "I'll be fine Lo" Virgil told him mustering up a small smile. 

Logan hesitantly nodded not believing him, Virgil hugged him and kissed his cheek before telling him he would see him at lunch and went in to his new class, Logan smiled watching as Virgil made his way in to the class room happy Virgil's anxiety wasn't playing up too badly. 

Logan quickly made his way to his own class and slipped in side, "Logan Logic is it?" the teacher asked seeing the new face, Logan nodded glancing around his math class, "you can sit next to....... Ethan, Ethan can you raise your hand please?" Logan's new teacher asked. 

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