2 - "I don't know what to do!" "And you think I do?"

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My dinner at in the Great Hall wasn't occupied by eating the juicy food, but by looking at her. I could tell I wasn't the only guy fascinated by her in the school. In fact, it seemed she was the talk of the entire school.

"Cecilia Hood," I whispered to myself, testing the name on my tongue. It was a pretty name. A pretty name to pair with a pretty face.

Cal nudged me, "Dude, you have to eat. We have quidditch practice after classes and there will be no time to get in a quick snack if you get peckish."

I snapped out of my trance just as she was laughing. Too bad I can't hear it, I thought.

I did as Cal said and began eating, "Maybe we should talk to Og in the corridor afterwards?"

"Why?" asked Cal.

"Well, he could learn stuff about her," I pointed out.

Cal thought for a moment, "Yeah I guess you're right, or you could just grow a pair and talk to her yourself."

I questioned my friend, "What? You don't want to get to know her?"

"She's not my type," Cal admitted. "Besides, I'm kinda thinking about asking Hera if she wants to hang out..."

"Hera? Hera Ried?" I asked, followed by Cal shushing me by shoving a double chocolate chip cookie in my mouth.

"Not so loud!" he hushed. "Yes, Hera Ried."

Hera Ried was a seventh year Ravenclaw and Head Girl. She wasn't exactly the 'nerdy' type, but then again, she wasn't a priss either. She played beater for the Ravenclaw quidditch team, and was almost as good as Cal too. She was short compared to the whole 6'3'' that was Call and only came up to his upper chest.

"Why may I ask? I mean whenever we play against Ravenclaw you hate the girl."

"Because she's good! Maybe even better than me, but that doesn't mean she doesn't hold some interest to me," he admitted sheepishly.

I looked at my friend quizzically. I'd never seen him like this before, it was a sight to behold. "So you like her?"

"Yeah I like her, maybe even more than that, that's why I want to hang out with her. If she gives me a chance, then maybe she's worth it."

It was official, my friend was an alien to me. "You, Caliban Alford, actually like a girl?"

"You make it sound like I'm gay or something," Cal replied.

"All through school you wouldn't even admit you liked a girl! And now?"

He smirked, "What can I say, I have to keep you on your toes."

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating.


Dinner ended and everyone was filing out of the Great Hall like normal, except for a mob of girls surrounded our newest student.I nudged Cal and he knew what I wanted to do right away by my look. We casually strolled so we were next to the group and could hear the conversation.

"So you're not actually French?" a younger girl asked.

"No," Cecilia replied, "but parle français très bien. I learned very young."

Maybe if I learned some French..? Aunt Fluer could teach me some. I thought silently.

Another girl piped up, "What did you speak at Beauxbaton's? English or French?"

"Un peu des deux," she started, "A bit of both. A mix really, it's going to be hard to change over to just Anglais."

The girls giggled at her foreign language. From what I knew from my Aunt, she was very well spoken in French.

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