7 - "If it isn't The Snake himself."

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Dinner time rolled around the corner. I had fallen into the routine of Hogwarts again like usual. I didn't need to really pay attention in classes. Any teacher with the balls to flunk Harry Potter's kid wouldn't have them for much longer. I took notes like everybody else and did my work. But it was hard to concentrate with my mind always wandering to the beautiful girl with dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

I hadn't talked to her for days, but she had certainly been talking to someone else. Raymond Sisyphus, the bane of my existence. We were equals in strength and athleticism. But what I lacked, he exuded. The smoothest talker of any student here, they called him The Snake. He had charmed countless girls into bed and was basically the sex God of Hogwarts. His newest victim: Cecilia.

My blood boiled as I saw him flirt with her, make her laugh, and touch her.

"Who does he think he is?" I asked.

"Who? Raymond?" Cal questioned. "I think you know very well who he thinks he is."

I groaned, "But why did he have to have his eyes on her?"

Cal laughed, "Because any guy with a working dick does. Especially you."

I looked at him suspiciously, "Even you?"

He shook his head. "Don't get me wrong. She's cute, smart, and has a great bum, but I'm jonesing for someone else."

I was relieved by that. Cal and I had been through a lot together, but girl troubles always made things a bit touch and go. "I got to let her know his reputation."

"I think she already knows. How could she not? Maybe she wants The Snake's snake."

I gave Cal a look so that he knew to shut up. He raised his hands in defense.

I was done with dinner. I was tired of looking at Raymond deducing Cecilia. I couldn't continue torturing myself. I got up from the table and walked out of the Great Hall on my way to Gryffindor Tower.

I was about half way to the common room, waiting on the floating stairs as they changed when I felt a hand grab my forearm.

"James, are you okay?" I turned and saw her. Her blue eyes meeting mine, I felt all the bad emotions drift away on the oceans that were pooled on her face. Her brow was furrowed with worry as she searched my eyes for an answer.

I pulled my arm from her grasp. "I'm fine" I said, coming off rather cold.

"Did I do something?" She asked quietly looking down at her feet.

I huffed, "Well flirting with The Snake doesn't really put you on the top of my friend list."

"The Snake?" She asked confused.

Cecilia really didn't know. And I was too full of jealously to stop myself from giving her the truth. "Yes, The Snake. Raymond Sisyphus. The renowned Slytherin that can charm any lady into his bed. You're his number one target at the moment."

"What do you--"

"Ah, Cecilia, there you are. I was afraid I lost you." The smooth velvety voice of Raymond came from farther down the corridor.

Great, just great.

Cecilia turned towards Raymond as he appeared behind her. She didn't say anything to him, just stared.

"If it isn't The Snake himself," I muttered.

"The Snake?" Raymond inquired. "Why, I haven't been called that in a long while."

"Oh I doubt that."

"Do you?" He asked stepping in front of Cecilia so that he was right in front of my face. "Why is that?"

I kept my composure, not sure if I could win in a fight against him, if this would lead to that. "People talk, Raymond. It's not hard to keep up with you and your exploits."

He scoffed, "You're really going to listen to a bunch of gossip and take it as the truth? Maybe you're just trying to make me look bad, so you can swoop in and take her for yourself."

"Trust me, Raymond. I don't need gossip to make you look bad. You do that all by yourself."

"Gentlemen! Enough!" Cecilia shouted, snapping both our heads towards her. "You are men acting like children. Where is your honor?"

We were both taken aback by her choice of words. Raymond looked at me with a face that asked, "Is she for real?"

Unhappy with the growing silence from the two of us, she huffed and walked away, leaving Raymond and I in a most awkward situation.

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