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Hello everyone. I don't know why the chapters get harder and harder to write as the story progresses but I'm trying though haha. Please do tell me what you think as always. You might find a good amount of cheese in this chapter. I hope you don't hate me and please please please vote. it helps my story get noticed. Thank you :)


I have watched a number of movies in my lifetime and one thing I absolutely hate is the cliché phone call that rolls through the scene to add a dramatic pause. Never in my wildest dreams did I think one would roll into my life during a moment where silence is key.

My hands go to work as I tiptoe to the middle of the room. In my pocket, I find my earphones which I plug into my phone and swiftly place into my ear. I am trembling but I manage to answer the call with a steady tone. It's Mrs Ainsworth.


"Katie dear."

"Yes Mrs Ainsworth." I respond. The hairs at the back of my neck begin to rise and I'm almost certain someone has entered the room. The pair of earphones I have are the type that cancel-out external noise so I don't hear footsteps or the sound of the door opening further – but I'm positive that someone's in the doorway. I however ignore the urge to turn to look keeping my eyes on the scenery outside the wall of glass.

"Are you on your way home?"

"Not yet." It's an odd question for her to ask. "Why? Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes dear. We just met Alyssa and she asked to tell you that Ashton requested for an empty house." An empty? That's odd given that 2 people can live in this big mansion for a decade and not realise each other's presence.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yes dear. That's why we're all here. Are you sure you don't want to join us." No wonder Alyssa wouldn't stop pestering me about the movie this morning. If I hadn't thrown in the Emma card I'd be on my way to watch yet another Avengers movie. Don't get me wrong I love the franchise but an early finish means I can get back to my daughter before her bedtime. I cannot believe I fell asleep.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll leave immediately so that Mr Bevilacqua doesn't find me here." I throw in Mr Bevilacqua hoping that whoever is behind me believes that I've been unaware of their presence and the argument. My plan is to end the call and quickly turn on my music so I can pretend that I've been listening to tunes rather than their dispute.

"Hurry up dear, Ashton is very particular." She doesn't have to explain what she means by this because I understand. "Bye dear." Once the call ends, I'm swift with my movements and in no time at all, I'm listening to Adele's new ballad.

Humming, I turn away from the direction of the door and head for the suit rack. Just as I comb through them, a hand grabs my shoulder and violently turns me around.

My shock isn't pretentious. It's Francesca. She towers over me so I have to take a step back and tilt my head to look at her closely. Her mouth's moving but I hear nothing. The music pulls me back from the blow and without a second thought; I roughly pull my earphones and let them hang.

"I'm sorry."

Francesca rolls her eyes and throws her hands in the air. "I asked what the f*ck you're doing here."

"Hey that's not needed." I follow Ashton's voice only to curse my heart for starting into a heavy rhythm. His hair is wet and his shirt's unbuttoned all the way down. I stare longer than needed and the heat of my embarrassment wets my forehead instantly. I don't know what to do with myself so I stand there awkwardly until the silence is broken.

FATHER OF MY CHILD... Mr Hollywood UPDATEDWhere stories live. Discover now