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Chapter One : To Lose a Life
It's warm, a comfortable warm. A kind of warm that makes him feel like he's been wrapped in a nice fur blanket of a mother's love and rainbows and other, as he would call it, gay shit like that. A kind of warm Erik hasn't felt in more years than he could count.

He never believed in any sort of afterlife. He was truly prepared for his existence to end right there at that guillotine, as a show to the dozens watching and celebrating his official demise. So many years they kept him there, and not with out the less than occasional harassment. The snarky remarks, the few break out attempts that sadly didn't get too far, and the handful of murders he's managed to pull off on the guards.. What was supposed to be a life sentence turned into an execution because of his bad behavior. At the end of the day, it was fine by him. He had nothing he cared about enough to fear death. The one person he ever cared about is Kinana, or Cubellios as she was once called, is now off enjoying a life he could never be a part off. But now that she's human he wouldn't dare disrupt the life she's made for herself, even if it's amongst the fairies he hates so much.

A soft, feminine humming breaks what he though would be an eternal silence.

'Kina...' Is the first word that tries to escape his lips, but alas he couldn't utter even a syllable. He knows it's impossible but it sounds so much like her. In just the brief encounters after her curse was broken, he's come to memorize it. It is her. But that leaves one question that shakes his being with emotions he feels are better left dead; How?

He tried to open his eye, but it's as if he's forgotten how to. As for his body... as much as it hurts his head to comprehend, it's like he's lost all control. He physically feels nothing but warmth. There is no surface he is on, there is no tug of gravity, there is no up, there is no down. He has no mouth to speak from, no tongue to construct the words.

Is this the afterlife? Just a never ending consciousness? If hell exists, this would be it.

"Erik" A feminine voice says, the sound coming from everywhere around him, echoing off of nothing. Just like the humming, he's quick in recognizing the voice.

'Kina! What's... Going on...' He tries to say her name once more, but he has no mouth to utter the words. Erik. It's his given name yet it hardly feels like his. Cobra has been the name he's known for a long time, and he's hardly interested in being called much else. But of course, uttered from Kinana, he lets it be.

"No, I'm not the girl you care for. But since she was the only one your cold pathetic heart could feel for, her voice is mine for the duration of your stay." The voice fills the void he seems to be suspended in. It's tone is flat, spared of any emotion. Too different from the caring girl the voice belongs to. Behind that voice, who or whatever it may be, it lacks any soul for Cobra to try and listen in on to answer his questions slowly piling into a mountain of uncertainty. Or could it be that his magic has left along with his mouth? Another question to the unanswered pile.

'Where am I? Who are you? Why am I here?' Seems to be the core of this metaphorical mountain, placing themselves at the forefront of his mind.

"You are nowhere, I am no one. But I'd like to strike a deal with you, Dragon Slayer of Poison." Says the being. They are no one, He's nowhere? The words only frustrate the red eyed mage even more. It's the type of cryptic bullshit he'd easily beat a guy senseless for. If Cobra had teeth at the moment, they'd be clenched.

'A deal?' He thinks, pushing down the violent thoughts despite knowing the 'great all hearing being' probably already hears every foul thought that crosses his mind thus far.

"Yes. It offers you more time on your earth. With some stipulations." In hindsight, it doesn't sound bad. Especially considering his current position. But he'd have to be a fool to blindly go along with whatever this... thing... offers. Luckily his overall shit life has sculpted him into someone far from trusting.

"I want you to kill people. You shall be little more than a ghost, your presence only recognized by your target. Your only pay would be your continued existence" The being answers questions he hasn't even formed sentences for in his head yet, proving the 'all hearing asshole' theory Erik had.

'Kill people?' The aspect of doing something he enjoys for a literal living seems too good to be true. Fate has never treated him so nicely in the 27 years he was in this twisted world, so naturally he's expecting the pattern to continue. He's already imagining the ways this could fuck him over, and he's got quite the hefty list. But then again, no matter the storm he still managed to enjoy it in whatever sick way he could muster.

"Yes. Well, I was a little vague with my words. You will help them kill themselves"

'Why?' Admittedly, it's a question he hardly asks. He doesn't question the orders given to him. But that's a mentality best left back with his days working under Zero, he decides.

"We require specific types of souls. We figure the best way to obtain such souls are through putting to use.... lost souls such as yourself" Their monotonous voice breaks into what he can only assume is disappointment.

'So your no one? But you said we. So there's more no ones?' It's ridiculous to consider, but he's more interested in how they answer it rather than what the answer is.

"Will you be taking the deal?" They ask, ignoring the question entirely. Cobra innerly groans.

'Oh what the hell, sure' He answers with little thought.

"I must mention, although you have a great deal of freedom, you will be expected to finish the assignment within the three years time allotted. You may say or do anything to torment the soul into taking its own life, but may not physically harm it."

'Why not?' Cobra is quick to question. Taking three years to bring about something he could easily do himself in three minutes? If souls are need that badly the method shouldn't matter.

"Your first target is settled in the country of Fiore, in a popular town called Magnolia" His vision is filled with a view of the city he vaguely remembers. It's the city where Kina is staying at... The thought makes him feel sick, despite the lack of the necessary body parts to feel such. Fortunately this fear is quickly washed out.

"This is Lucy Heartfillia, I believe you are familiar with her. It's a class B. A strong girl, but lacking emotional stability. Insecure and relies on her guild and friends to keep her grounded. I'm afraid that's all the information gathered" His vision is momentarily filled with a profile shot of the curvy blond, adorning her usual outfit complete with her keys and a whip he's never noticed before.

Lucy Heartfilla.... She should be dead anyway, after the infinity clock. Remembering it now ticks him off. He may not be able to kill her himself but he's willing to bet it'd be just as satisfying, ripping the core from the guild that stood in his way on more than one occasion.

"Your motivation is useful." Is the last words Kinana's voice utters before the sound of whipping wind fills his ears. Gravity comes back with a vengeance and his newly acquired form's stomach drops as what he thought was just an vision of Magnolia comes to life. He's shoved back into living with a dangerously high birds eye view of the city. His eye waters from the air hitting his face on his fall down and his coat flaps loudly. He doesn't scream, the closer the ground gets the more his hearts tightens, leaving his mouth gaped and his body flailing wildly.

Over the wind, he can hear the growing inner voices of the civilians just below. Unfortunately he doesn't have time to revel in the return of his favorite sense.

The sidewalk welcomes him home with open arms and, in the brief moment before he's forced into unconscious, his body numbs into an uncomfortable fuzzy feeling in the embrace.

[A/N: A short start, I know. Hopefully the chapters will get longer once I figure out just where I wanna go with this fic. Nonetheless, I hope you didn't find it too terrible. Thanks for reading ! •u•]

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