e l ő s z ó 🌧

173 28 2

S T O P   T H E   R A I N.

➟ White turns to black
The sky grows heavier little by little
Foreshadowing the future that lies ahead
The coat of paint that you had drawn on me will wash away
The flowing tears together with the rain
Will disappear with all of your colour tonight

Even if I run away with all of my power no change even if I reject it
I know now that it's gonna follow me

How can I stop the rain
Somebody close the gate
To stop this rain, please teach me
I'll do anything

The clouds are rushing in
Everything fading grey
The lights in despair become clouded

The moment your smile disappeared
The sky was covered with dark clouds
It must have been mourning the tomorrow that you're not in

Somehow thought I was climbing over I can't feel me now
I'm getting deeper and my cries are drowning out
Is it going to end just like this? Oh no

No change even if I reject it
I know now that the ending will stay the same

How can I stop the rain
Somebody close the gate
To stop this rain, please teach me
I'll do anything

How could I've stopped the end
There's nowhere left to stay
Baby you paint over my life
Without you don't really know if I'll be alright

The clouds are rushing in
Everything fading grey
The lights in despair become clouded➟

TISZTÁZZUK, hogy nem birtoklom a DAY6-et, csak a saját kitalált karaktereim és az írásaim vannak az én tulajdonomban. 
Előfordulhatnak kitalált helyszínek, illetve szereplők. 

FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A történetben előfordulhatnak trágár szavak, kifejezések, illetve néhol erőszak. Csak saját felelősségre ajánlott!


Várható újrapublikálás:
2018. 12. 26. és 2019. 01. 05. közt


2018 © hiyonoo

stop the rain •Where stories live. Discover now