School is not cool

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After 5 minutes of silence we finally arrived at Riverside High school, which is well known for its high academic results and strict displine, it was build in 1987 and reconstructed in 1999.....................
OK no more history lessons, I grabbed my backpack and placed my phone in, making sure it was switched off. I climbed out of our car with Becca following me.
"Bye Becca good luck with your presentation! Bye Emily good luck with your history paper!" Mom said with a smile
"Bye mommy!" I said while Becca just gave a smile and waved. I soon caught a glimpse of my bestie Kayla, we have been friends since first grade, we are now in grade 9 and still besties, I said bye to Becca and gave her R20 for lunch since shes lazy and doesn't always make lunch. She thanked me and seemed like she wanted to say more but was soon joined by her friends, who started a conversation with her about.........boys? I gave her a smile and walked to Kayla.
"Kayla!" I screamed ad tackled her in a huge hug, what? Your never to old to tackle your friends :) especially your bestie!
"Emily! I have so much to tell you, but I need air to" she replied and soon tried to catch her breath after I released her,
"Like what?" I asked her curiously.
"First of all, I heard that Jessica throw a party yesterday, and invited the nearly the whole school including her ex Devon,  second they got together at her party, third we have a new student........which is my brother Simon" She sighed, she's probably thinking about her brother and how he's going fit in, she told me her brother had been home schooled for all his life since he's not very social, people make fun of him for it, anyway
"Jessica and Devon got back together? This is like the 3rd time this week!" I replied shocked and a bit disgusted with their lack of self respect, at least I know where the music from last night was coming from.......she probably did that to be spiteful
"Yeah I know! I don't know if he's just desperate for a relationship or if he's using her to get popular, maybe both"
"Did you study for the history? Or did you fall asleep while trying again..."
"Both, still stop stressing about it Ems, you will do fine, you always do"
"Thanks but still Mr Ban was not nice to give us a chapter of work we didn't do and make us study it!"
"True if I fail history my mom's gonna phone the school and complain about Mr Ban, do u want something from the tuckshop while we're here?" She asked, I didn't even notice we were walking around the school!
"Yeah just a can of coke please, I already ate breakfast" we stood in the line for 2 minutes since its still early and not many people are at school at 07:13, soon we came to the front of the line, the lady asked her what she would like and Kayla ordered 2 cans of coke and I grabbed 2 straws.
"Thanks Kals" I said and opened my can, popped my straw in and took a sip, Kayla did the same to her coke
"No problem, I feel like we are forgetting about someone?"
"Bella" I reminded her
"Oh yeah we should probably wait at the gate for Bella, since she always comes late"
We started walking and continued talking on what we did this weekend, she went fishing with her dad while I studied and watched YouTube,
soon we arrived in the gate and took a seat near a table. We continued talking for a few minutes about basic stuff, soon I felt like someone was behind me I looked at Kayla and she had a smile in her face, soon before I could react 2 hands tickled below my armpits, I started laughing and managed to turn a bit to see it was Bella!
"Bella!" I screamed and tackled her into a hug, like I said your not old enough to not tackle your friends especially your besties
"Emily! Are u trying to kill me?" She asked breathless
"Maybe, you nearly killed me, I needed to get revenge" I replied with a smile
"Hey Kayla" Bella said and hugged her
"Hey Bella! Did u hear about the rumours about the transfer student?" Kayla asked
"What!! No! I haven't, I hope it's a boy! The boys here suck and are mean" Bella exclaimed
"Well that new student it's my brother!"
Soon the bell ring, we started walking to our first class, we are all in the same class, We first had history which meant the test! Me and Bella sit in front of Kayla, so if there's no lesson we can talk. We all took our seats as Mr Ban walked in and greeted us, he explained we can't use textbooks or ask a friend, I nodded and soon he handed out the test, I wrote my full name: Emily Leigh Anderson. He said we may begin, I opened my test and looked at the first question

Name the 2 superpowers in the cold war? 

Easy, USA and USSR

The test was about a hour long, soon he said stop writing and started collecting them. He said we will give them back tomorrow, I doubt that, he marks so slow by the time he's we all  will be history :)
Soon the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and waited for Bella and Kayla. We started walking to maths......great........ wondering why I hate maths? You will find out soon.
We were talking about the test and asking what we answered for the first few questions, soon we arrived in maths and took our seats and waited for Ms Richie. After 2 minutes more kids came inside and so did Jessica, that's why I hate maths.........

Sorry for the long wait! Was super busy and tired

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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