Chapter 9

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So it's been a month or two now since I've started hanging out with Jessie and Danny. Danny still hasn't man the fuck up and ask Sofia to be his girlfriend. He needs to before Sofia does or I'm going to have to magically pull 50 dollars out of my ass.

Me a Jessie have gotten closer. And he's grades are looking awesome. All because of me. And my feelings for him are clearly growing. I always get butterflies in my belly when he's around. And when he smiles. Like genuinely smiles. His smile could stop wars and cure cancer. Cheesy I know but it's the truth. And he always finds a way for me to laugh.

But why would he like me. I'm not special. I'm just nerdy Ally. Nothing going on there. While he's Jessie fucking Vors. He is the bad boy of the school. Every girl wants him. Every guy wants to be him. He's rich and could actually become successful in his life. He could go to any collage he wants.

Where as I am just average. I have to depend on my father even though he doesn't do much. Nearly nothing at all for me. I also have to depend on a scholarship to get into collage. Knowing my father doesn't even give a fuck. Then on top of that I have to take care of Luka. I promised him I would. I never go back on my promise. And I'm all he has. My dad's a drunk who works just so he could by more beer. His mom is and I will never tell him this but his mom is a dumb bitch. She is fucking dumb. Giving up her son just so that she could catch up with the 'who has more STDs contest'. She might as well be Barbie.

But hey a girl could dream right. Anyway we have become really close friends. All four of us. We hang out at lunch. We always hang out on Fridays now. It's pretty cool I guess. Julie still is a fucking bitch. She just glares now but I have a feeling she has something up her sleeves.

Right now is the last day of school before thanksgiving break. Me Sofia Danny and Jessie are just sitting at our table. Playing chubby bunny. Well by everyone I mean me and Danny. Sofia and Jessie are just watching clearly amused.

I stuff my 20th marshmallow in my mouth," huhe hunny" hey you try saying it with basically an overflow of marshmallows in your mouth. At least i said something.

Danny put one in his mouth(that's what she said. Sorry couldn't resist. Back to the book.)" shue huny"

We look down and see there is only one marshmallow left. I look at Danny. Then the marshmallow. Them back at Danny. I knew what I had to do. I jumped for the bag but Danny beat me to it. I tackled him the the floor. I reached for the marshmallow and Danny bit me. HE FUCKING BIT ME. I punched him in the face but not hard enough to leave a mark.

I grabbed the bag and got the marshmallow and ate it. I looked at Danny who is looking at me like I'm a monster. He even got a little teary.

I stood up and said," chubby bunny." Well at least I tried. It came out different but you get the point.

I sat back down by Jessie and smirked. Danny dragged himself back beside Sofia with a little sniffle.

"O come on Danny. Cheer up. Maybe you'll beat me next time." I said still smirking

Danny glared at me." Whatever I'm over you. You never let me win. You are a sucky person."

I stopped smirking and looked at him with clam annoyed face."Danny. Don't get hurt."

Jessie and Sofia just started laughing like donkeys. I smiled and so did Danny. This is nice. To finally have friends. Not that Sofia wasn't a great friend because she is. But we have more people to talk to. People to trust. It nice.

The bell rings and we head off to class. But then I remembered I needed to go to my locker to get something for my next class.

"Hey guys I'll meet you there. I'm just going to go to my locker."

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