Chapter 3

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We went to our table. It was that one table where it was in a corner and no one notices you there because they're too busy giving they're attention to the 'it' tables. That would be the cheerleaders/slores. Then the jocks/total fucking retards. And of corse you can't forget the bad boys table.

They all had a thing in common. Besides being treated like they are soooo important and being pretty and very and i mean VERY sexy. They were all the same. Mean, rich, good for nothing snobs. They will talk shit about you if you read all the time or dress in all black. Hell they'll talk shit about you if your not dressed or have 'the looks' like them. If you don't meet there standerds, don't even look at them. You'll just make it harder on yourself. I should know. They just like to make my life a living hell.

They would call me names. Shove me to the floor. Slap my books out my hands. Shove me twords the lockers. They'd trip me in the halls. Sometimes slam my food all over me. I'm like their living punching bag. I know I could fight because I do know how to fight. I just made a promise to my mom that I wouldn't unless I felt like I needed to.

My moms name was Samantha Carson. She was somewhat like me. She had jet black straight hair with ocean blue eyes. She was a petite person like me. She was a loving and caring person. She didn't have a bit of mean inside of her personality. There was no room for it since it was full of love,care and kindness. She died in a car accident. I blam myself for it. She'd probably be alive if it wasn't for me.

- flashback -

"Hey sweetpea. How was your day today." My mom said while driving down Jet lane.

"It was okay. Kids still pick on me. I don't care because you always said they were jealous of me because they want to be me." I said a little bit cheerful.

"That's right baby girl. So want to show me what you painted today?" My mom asked.

I got the painting of me and my mom I did in class to today and showed it to her.

"See mommy. It's me and you. We were suppose to draw our favorite superhero. Everyone else drew batman and superman. I chose you because you are my superhero. No matter if your not a really superhero. You will always be my superhero." I said smiling.

My mom shed a tear and just stared at the painting while driving.

"Mom, you could look at it again when we get home. Eyes on the road." I said rolling the paper back up.

My mom nodded and smiled at me and then turned her head back to the road.

As soon as she did a truck rammed into the car. The impact was really strong. The car tiped over onto its side.

My head really hurt. So did my chest. I felt like I couldn't breath. I was able to take off my seatbelt and crawled to my mom. She was bleeding on her side. She was struggling to get the seatbelt off but she couldn't. I started to cry. She turned her head and looked at me.

"Honey your going to be alright. Your going to go through life. Ignore those mean children. And promise me you won't fight them unless they push you to the furthest? I don't want you to fight them for a simple name. One day you will have enough of them. When that day comes then you could handle the situation however you want to handle it. And baby your going to have to do that with out me. It's moms time to go. I will always be there for you. Not physically but spiritually. I'll always watch over you. I love you Ally." Were my moms last words to me

- end of flashback -

I came back to reality when Sofia's hand is waving in my face.

"Hey day dreamer. Snap back to reality. I have a question to ask you." Sofia said look at me

"O sorry you know Channing Tatum is hard not to think about. And what is your sooo important question that took me away from my husband?" I said playfully glaring at her.

She chuckled and then said,"Why is the schools bad boy staring at you????"

I looked at her confused. What the hell is she talking about???? She then pointed behind me.

I turned around in my chair and sure enough he was looking at me. Jessie the schools very very and I mean very sexy bad boy was looking at me.

I don't know why and I don't care. He was a total jerk face. I just can't stand him. I turn back around to Sofia.

"Don't know. Don't care." I said with a shrug

Sofia just looked at me like I had a bugger hanging out my nose.

"What do you mean you don't care. The most sexiest man alive is looking straight at you and you don't care?!??!!?" She whisper yelled at me.

I shrugged again." I don't care because unlike every other girl in the shit hole, I'm not interested in him. He's just a bad boy and a player."

"Well the just a bad boy and player is walking this way. Eyeing you." Sofia nodded for me to look behind me and she was telling the truth.

Walking to our table, like he fucking owned this shit kicker of a school, was Jessie. Man what the fuck does he want. You know what I don't have time to deal with him.

I got up from my seat. Quickly saying bye to Sofia and zooming out the cafeteria. I don't have time to talk to Jessie and I didn't want to. He was probably going to insult me in front of everyone as payback for this morning. I didn't feel like feeling bad about myself today.

On my way to the library, was suddenly shoved into a closet with a hand around my mouth. I was starting to panic thinking I'm going to get raped. The little light turned on. I turned to see who was going to pop my cherry without my consent . I frowned looking at this guy. Man he's getting on my nerves.

That's right people it was just Jessie. Little prick had me thinking someone was gonna rape me. I knew he wasn't because well, I'm not his type. His type is girls that are trying to get an STD.

His hand was still on my mouth so licked it. He took his hand away and started wiping it on his jeans.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't lick my hand." Said a very angry Jessie

"Does it look like I care? No it doesn't and I wouldn't have licked your hand if it wasn't covering my mouth." I gave him a board expression.

He rolled his eyes at me frowning."Look I don't have time for this shit. I'm just going to get straight to the point. I kind of need you to tutor me this year until exams."

I looked at him. Is he seriously asking for my freaking help? He was rude to me this morning and rude to me just a few seconds ago.

" I shouldn't considering how rude you treat me," his face had no expression but you could see the sadness and disappointment in his eyes." But since the exams this year is going to be hard I'll tutor you. But that would be after school at your house. Monday through Friday no skipping. Saturday and Sunday if your available. Got that?"

He nodded and I said "Good we start today even though it's the first day of school. You better take this seriously. Meet me in the parking lot after school." With that I walked out the closet and went to class.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. And thanx for sticking with me on this. Man my feet are cold. Anyway I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. Well thanx for reading and waiting to keep reading. I hope you'll give this book a chance to the end. Thanx again.


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