Chapter 1

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It was a normal school day, a girl that goes by the name Elsa began to get ready for her day of school. Her sister, Anna, knocked on her door.

"Elsa, there's breakfast if you want to eat before going."

Elsa walked towards the door and opened to see Anna with a muffin.

"I'll just grab a muffin to go. After all, we don't want to miss the bus."

Anna nodded and skipped her way to her room to get her backpack. Elsa looks at herself in the vanity in her room. The bruise by her eye is almost gone, as well seeing the cut on her lip healing. No makeup can hide her pain. She sighs, knowing that she's not safe in that school, but if Anna feels happy there, then so be it. Elsa grabbed her backpack, went to the kitchen to grab a muffin and joined Anna heading out the door.



Both sisters headed out towards the bus stop, eating their muffins along the way. once the bus arrived, Elsa let Anna go first. As soon Anna found a spot with her friend, Elsa went to the back, where no one bothered her. The bus soon arrived at the school, seeing girls in one corner observing the jocks on the other corner. Everyone rushed out of the bus as well as Elsa and Anna. Elsa then looks at her sister.

"I'll go on ahead and go to my locker, are you coming?"

Anna shook her head.

"I'm okay, after all, I found my friend group."

Anna began to wave at the group by the stairs of the school. Elsa sighs and placed her hand on Anna's shoulder.

"Okay then, see you maybe at lunch?"

Anna then laughs.

"We shall see."

Anna then ran to her friends, leaving Elsa alone. She sighs and began to walking into the building. Elsa arrived at her locker in peace. She began to take her books needed for her classes  out of her locker until someone screamed. Elsa, who has sensitive hearing, dropped her books. She quickly pick up her books but it was too late. Rapunzel, a pretty girl with blonde hair and green eyes that no boy can resist, stops her in one place.

"Hey nerd"

Rapunzel said as she the pushed Elsa's books to the side. Another person came up to them. A boy with chestnut hair and chocolate brown hair. His name is none other than Jack Frost, the heartthrob of the school. He punch Elsa in her stomach. She grunts.

"Isn't it a little to early to do this?"

Another boy asked as he approached his mates. This caused Jack to sigh.

"Shut up Hiccup, besides..."

Elsa, struggling, didn't show any emotions. She was later pulled by the hair.

"I want to see her cry,"

Jack said as he dragged her close by her locker. He lets go of her hair that cause Elsa to bump her head on the locker door. Elsa's forehead started to bleed. Rapunzel took it too far that she push Elsa to her locker. Elsa hit herself at the arm that started to bleed. Elsa passed out from the pain and blood loss causing Rapunzel to leave.

"Jack take her to the nurse."

Hiccup said in worry. he hasn't experiance seeing someone in a state Elsa is in. Jack began to chuckle, mostly on the fact that his friend told him to help their target. Hiccup gave him a look. Jack scoffed.

"That's not happening."

Jack said as he began to walk away.


Hiccup said with a stern voice. Jack stopped, knowing that its not a good sign if Hiccup is mad.


Jack picked Elsa up and took her to the nurse. He felt her blood seep through his sweater, making him scoff. Jack knew that it will be a lot of work to wash off the blood.


Elsa woke up, feeling groggy, and saw her arm. She began to feel through up until her forehead, where a bandage is wrapped. Elsa shook her head and stood up to leave the room.

"Young lady you have to rest. The paramedics are coming to get you. " 

The nurse said but Elsa ignored her. Jack was outside and saw Elsa go out.

"Young man go get her!"

He started to go after Elsa. Elsa was at the entrance, looking around. Elsa ran out of the school not noticing Jack following her. She went through the woods and went to her hideout also know as her home. Jack went close to Elsa but she kicked him down and tied him up. And she saw that it was only Jack. Jack notice her celeste eyes turn deep royal blue, almost silver, for a split second and then went back to normal. 

"What are you doing here?"

She said with an annoyed tone, untying him in the process.

"I wanted to ask you the same."

Jack rebutted but he notice that Elsa's nails growing.

"What the hell is going on with your hands?"

Elsa looks down at her hands and gasps. She looks up at Jack, who was looking at her with disgust, shook her head and began running to the hideout. Jack was left outside, dumbfounded at what happened.

"What the hell is  going on"

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