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The young girl stared at her phone, scrolling through the newsfeed of the wretched sight she had been bound to for so long. " I hate this place ... " She said quietly with a soft but aggravated sigh. She put her phone down and closed her eyes. Her gentle lips pursed as her eyebrows furrowed. Shs began to tear up. " Why can't I leave. I want to. " She cried out quietly, gently moving her hand to her face, rubbing her eyes from the small tears that had shed.

" I want to stop lying. Stop lying to myself. Stop lying to others. " She gasped out a quiet sob as shs gritted her teeth. " Why can't I be good enough. Why can't I be noticed and loved. "

She contined to rant to herself. Her hands moved to her stomach as she began to roughly scratch at herself. " I don't deserve it . " She whispered. " That's why no one cares any more. " She contined , " There just lying to you too. Voicing your opinion and words on the matter just make it worse. "

She gripped her fingernails, wishing to bleed, but her nails were too dull to do so. " I forgot to take my meds. Like anyone cares. I continue to talk but where does that lead me. More hate to myself and others. " She coughed, the sobbing became a bit louder as she clutched her round ugly stomach, gripping it as tight as she could.

" I hate how people can be so happy on here , why can't I have that ... It's not like the old times ... " She bit her lip as she began to think, thinking of all the good memories she had. " It's not like that anymore ... " She let out an exasperated sigh, a quiver coming from it.

" It never will be . "

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