Chapter 3

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Author's note: Hope you enjoyed the last chapter! It may seem like Otoya forgives Tokiya for what he said, but does she really? You'll find out more as you read through out the story. I'm also thinking of adding HEAVENS in (Give Tokiya a love rival for Otoya, Probably Eiichi even though I  strongly dislike him for what he did to Otoya but it could add some things to the story). Also thank you Godlover96xanimegirl96 for helping me come up with ideas for this chapter. The lyrics are from Trust my dream. They are the English lyrics.



            So remember how I  said that Tokiya and I had stayed in an embrace until Reiji-sempai came in? Well turns out the rest of the STARISH members and QUARTET NIGHT members where also there staring through the crack of the door. Now it wouldn't bother me if they had just left, but they stayed and even had bright blushes on their faces. It was night time and the boys had left after Reiji-sempai told them to get out of here and go to bed, or whatever they do in their own rooms. Reiji was asleep in his own bed, while Tokiya was asleep on the top bunk of our bed. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk. I walked for awhile until I saw Nanami walking as well. I smiled and began running to the other girl. "Nanami!" I called out as I got closer, but before I could reach her I ended up tripping. How you ask? Well I can thank a stupid rock for that. Nanami saw me trip and ran over offering me a hand. I took it and gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry about that." I said to her. "I'm clumsy." I laughed. She laughed as she helped me stand. "I am to Ittoki-kun." She said. We started talking as we walked and she brought up the topic as to why I hid my gender. I sighed and told her I wasn't ready to tell them why yet. She nodded and we started talking about everything ranging from our songs to clothes.


            I woke up from my slumber and sat up rubbing at my eyes. I leaned over the side of the bunk to look at the one under mine. I saw that Otoya wasn't there. I got out of bed to see where she went, when I saw an open note book on Otoya's bed. I picked it up and saw that it had lyrics written in it. I left the room to find my roommate. As I walked, I saw Ren sitting in the main room. He looked up and saw me. "Where are you going Icchi?" Ren asked me. "Otoya's not in bed and I can't find her." I told him. Ren nodded and stood. "Let's wake the others and go look for her." He said. I nodded and went to wake up Reiji, Natsuki, Syo, and Ai, while Ren went to wake up Ranmaru, Masato, Camus, and Cecil. We met back up in the main room and I began explaining what I told Ren. "So basically Otoya wasn't in bed, so you decided to wake all of us up to look for her." Syo said yawning. "Yes." I told him. "Lets go we have to fine my precious Otoyan!" Reiji said. "She could be hurt or worst or or or.." He said. Ranmaru slapped him over the head. "Calm down, she's probably fine." He said as he walked towards the doors. "We gonna go look or not?" He asked opening it and leaving. We nodded and followed behind him. After a while of walking and looking around, we decided to take a break. "Who knew this area was so big.." Syo said sitting with his arms behind him keeping him up. We sat there for a bit, when we heard giggling coming towards us. We looked to our right and saw Otoya walking with Nanami towards us. The two girls saw and walked over to us, asking why we were on the ground and or leaning against a tree. "We came looking for Otoya, since she wasn't in her bed when I woke up." I told them. We talked for a minute, when I asked the question that I was looking for her about, "What were you doing?" I asked her not only about her being out late walking around but also about the lyrics I found. "I just went for a walk nothing to worry about." She told me giving a smile, but I know there was much more to it than 'just taking a walk'. Then Ren asked a question that, she's answered many times already. "Why are you taking a break?" He asked as if he didn't believe her reason that she told us earlier. She looked down as if she was ashamed. "It's best if I'm not there to get in your way..." She said quietly and began walking. We followed behind her, when Nanami saw a flower that doesn't usually grow where the Master Course dorms were. She walked over to it and looked at it. We stopped and watched her pick it up. It was a sunflower. "Ittoki-kun!" Nanami called to the red haired. She turns and looked at us and saw Nanami holding the flower. Her eyes widened and it looked like she was starting to shake, and before we knew it Cecil rushed towards his sister as she fell the last thing we heard her say was, "She said we would go together.". We ran to her and saw that she had fallen unconscious for some reason. Reiji put a hand on her forehead. "She's doesn't have a fever which is good." He said. "I don't think she's sick." Ai said.

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